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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi everyone at 5i!!
I bought this stock prior to the market drop and am now 47% in the hole with it. I can either sell it and take a loss and buy it back later, or keep it for the next 5 years in hopes it will rebound. In these situations I sometimes don’t know what to do. I don’t need the money at the moment and having owned the stock before and done well with it I think it should do well again. Your musings would be welcome ! Cheers, Tamara
Read Answer Asked by Tamara on November 02, 2022
Q: Hi 5i, today you replied to Warren's question on DTOL, "and we would be comfortable letting this one go given the comparable attractive buying opportunities right now in the tech space. ".

Please provide 3 to 5 companies that meet the above response, thx.
Read Answer Asked by Christopher on November 02, 2022
Q: Hello 5i,
Continuing on Pietro’s question posted on Oct 31, 2022, please recommend a few (3 to 6 companies) good buying opportunities in the cyclical sector.

Read Answer Asked by Roger on November 02, 2022
Q: When you last commented on PDI you said "Okay with". Noting the one year return on fund value is minus 15% but the long term returns seem to be in the 8-10% range. I am in it for the dividend (I'm retired). Do you think the ~ 13% dividend is safe long term ? And how much of that 13% is ROC ? What are your overall thoughts on this one ??
Read Answer Asked by Randy on November 02, 2022
Q: When looking at dividend ETF performance, are reinvested dividends included, or is the stated performance capital appreciation only, e.g. Morningstar performance for CDZ shows a 3.5% dividend and a 5 year total return of 6%.
Thanks Peter
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 02, 2022
Q: I hope to retire in about a year. I'll have a comfortable defined benefit, I've used the portfolio analysis to diversify my investments. I have a sizeable cash amount earning nearly nothing at a bank. I have contemplated GIC's but don't like the idea of having my funds locked up in the event I would like to direct it to a project or investment .
Would there be a ETF /bond that would be relatively safe that would mirror the GIC returns?
Read Answer Asked by Gord on November 02, 2022
Q: ,After the 2 divestments in a few weeks DOC have recouped 9M$. Were those divisions cash flow positive? Will this new intake of cash help them navigate through this bad period and until the stock moves up before they have to issue stock. What would be their cash burn rate after the sale of these 2 divisions? I assume those were net positives for the company.

DEEEEEP under water, I don't expect to ever get back in the money unless I keep the stock several years if they make it there. In a registered account there is no point for tax selling. Bad investment, bad timing. Do you have an answer that can make me smile again? LOL LOL
Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Yves on November 02, 2022
Q: Your last direct response on FLGT was Nov, 2021. Could you update your opinion on a value/growth basis, with a focus on "core genetic" testing elements rather than Covid testing. It seems to be growing nicely in core businesses, e.g., cancer NGS, has a very strong cash horde (from covid work) and, to me, ticks both value and growth boxes.
Thx, John
Read Answer Asked by John on November 02, 2022
Q: I retired last year and then setup a consulting company which keeps me busy less than half time. My accountant advised that setup an investment portfolio within the business banking account. I am looking at one CND bank ETF (25%), One dividend ETF (40%), and one growth ETF. (25%) I would like to add one or two CDN or US growth stocks representing 10% of the portfolio. Can you please give me some choices for the one or two growth stocks? Thanks again!
Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on November 02, 2022