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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello:
Appreciate your ongoing honest and open approach. I know many of us find these challenging times. It feels like many "truths" of investing are no longer true. (i.e. how bonds respond to various market periods, whether preferred shares will ever behave as expected and how valuations of growing companies can swing so wildly.)
I need some help (I know, you can't personalize advice...) with SELL strategies. I am tempted to sell part of some holdings at all-time highs such as XOM. Is this ridiculous? If it's down 30% in January I will be kicking myself. I did NOT sell during very high valuations for a lot of growth stocks and I don't mind being patient while those recover but in hindsight selling half positions would have been a great way to solidify paper gains. I have held XOM for a long time as it was under water from my buy-in position, and it swings so widely on demand and oil price.
Is it crazy to be reducing positions in oil and gas now? Any SELL strategy thoughts appreciated.
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Marilou on November 07, 2022
Q: I was going to include this link in my last question as I thought it was a good read and a good reminder for long term investor's, but forgot. Here it is:
Read Answer Asked by Shane on November 07, 2022
Q: Hi
With reference to Brian’s question on October 11th regarding high dividend stocks like these 3 & their safety 5i was OK with these 3.
I accept that nothing is invincible….. But is the risk/ reward on these positive enough to anchor an income on?

I m not greedy and don’t hunger after really big capital gains These would keep me
quite happy.

My plan would be to add other dividend etfs ( XLF etc) and some individual stocks like an ENB, BNS, CM, ABBV….

Thanks for your helpfulness. I
Read Answer Asked by Donald on November 07, 2022
Q: Will Banks and Insurance company benefit from higher rates,is it god time to sell loosers for tax purpose and buy Banks,Insurance comonies and/or Energy stocxks.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on November 07, 2022
Q: What is your outlook for GOOG if we get a "hard economic landing" ? Will their Cloud business help soften the blow?

Maybe 5i can have a bit of fun with this........ Looking out into an uncertain future, what would you currently see as a screaming buy, and what would be a good stink bid (you know, a crazy bid that has a slim, but not impossible odds of hitting)?
I'm not worried whether or not it actually strikes that price. If I get it, it's a bonus.

One other comment. Although I read comments from the odd subscriber voicing their displeasure when things don't pan out, and attempt to hold you accountable for your advice, I am one to realize that not a single investor / advisor / expert on this entire planet has a perfect investment record.... not even close !
Read Answer Asked by James on November 07, 2022
Q: Hi Team,
Looking at the stock reaction to today's earnings, Is it time to throw in the towel on LSPD? At one time the story looked so compelling. Is that story gone now? NVEI just released today with positive reaction to earnings. What are your thoughts on NVEI earnings? Is there more future potential for NVEI compared to LSPD? If so should I be selling LSPD for a loss and buying NVEI for an eventual recovery? OR another such as SHOP? Or any other ideas you would prefer? Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on November 07, 2022
Q: In your response to a question you stated "ENB. & FTS would also be highly correlated"
Can you explain? Did you mean if you owned ENB you don't need to own FTS?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 07, 2022
Q: Unusual for CSU to trade down 5% today, possibly in sympathy with TWLO and TEAM, down substantially, 30%-35% on their results.

Despite missing Q3 EPS estimates by a wide margin (not unusual for CSU), would you agree with revenue growth of 33% and forecast 2022 annual cash flow return on equity of nearly 60% there is nothing to worry about here and the drop in CSU today caused by other software companies was unwarranted?

Would you further agree rate of acquisitions for CSU is actually increasing in the current environment?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Keith on November 07, 2022
Q: Above are 4 of my poorest performers. Which ones would you be selling? Also, Nov. 4 there were a lot of stocks that were down big numbers even though some of them had a good quarter recently (i.e SHOP, LNTH, NVEE and a few others). Can you give me some insight into what is happening here. Always appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on November 07, 2022
Q: My question is not stock related but hopefully you can help. In the current buyer's market for real estate, would you buy first or sell first?

Read Answer Asked by KIM on November 07, 2022
Q: Hello , following is my list of losers .. and I am assessing which ones to sell this month for YE capital loss. I appreciate your comments.

As an aside; in watching the huge drop in some of these stocks, one certainly wonders about the wisdom of their CEO's ... as an example META, they are spending billions on Metaverse so that people can work and play and interact in virtual reality .. maybe in the year 2050 !!. and many others that just didn't adopt their businesses to people post Covid returning to work and shop at malls... truly incompetent .. For me, this crash has convinced me to buy shares in companies that are making money and have a strong management team.

Thank you
Carlo R.
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on November 07, 2022