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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello,

In light of the recent takeovers of WPT Industrial by Blackstone and Summit Industrial by Dream Industrial /GIC, what are your thoughts on the possibility of Chartwell being acquired? A BNN guest mentioned that Blackstone recently opened a Canadian office and has apparently hired an analyst with experience in retirement residence REITS. Please rate the probability of a takeover on 1-10 basis whereby 10 is very likely. Also, how safe is the dividend? Thanks for the great service.

Read Answer Asked by Anthony on December 22, 2022
Q: I would like to purchase one of these for an aggressive growth account for the next 5+ years. How would you order them best to worst? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 22, 2022
Q: With reference to Andrea's question on transfer-in-kind of stock to TFSA,
what if the transfer involves capital gains, instead of loss, with stocks transferred from a non registered account to a TFSA? How should the capital gains be handled?
Read Answer Asked by Keith on December 21, 2022
Q: Hello, What major company would you suggest the produces iron? Seeing as the war in Ukraine is reducing the supply from the side of the world. Other than Brazil, is there a major player in North America you would recommend and why? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by pietro on December 21, 2022
Q: The answer here might be obvious, but I'll ask the question nevertheless. Is there a CRA weasel rule that discourages selling a stock at a profit inside a TFSA and then immediately buying the same stock in an unregistered account?
Read Answer Asked by Brian on December 21, 2022
Q: Hello Peter

Best wishes for the Season

I owne the above in my non taxable accounts with a considerable loss. I am a senior who tended to invest in growth stocks with some sucess exept in the last 12 months.
I consider that above list has some potential for recovery.
I would like to concentrate on the bests with the greatest potential recovery in 2023.
I will appreciate your advice on the stocks I could sell or add on or replace.
I always value your opinion
Read Answer Asked by Raoul on December 21, 2022
Q: I'm 77 .Retired
I have received OAP,CCP of app. 2k/month
expenses of 4.5k/month
which small trust companies are best for GICs.
is Tangerine still an option
Read Answer Asked by gabriel on December 21, 2022
Q: In a slowdown, would you swap WSP for TFI?

Read Answer Asked by Gregory on December 21, 2022
Q: In your response to Randy about converting BNRE to BN you stated

"Under the structure, there is really only an advantage if the price of BNRE is higher than the price of BN and one wants to sell (and get the higher price). Right now there is a 20c difference, not really material enough to make a switch. Dividends and economic exposure are equivalent."

I would have thought that you would only want to convert BNRE to BN if BRNE was tradng LOWER than BN not HIGHER, thus trading a less valuable stock up to a more valuable stock. What am I missing?



Read Answer Asked by Scott on December 21, 2022
Q: I didn't have bonds this year and I wish I did even though it lost value it still did better than my portfolio tilted toward growth. If you were to initiate a bonds presence in your portfolio. Would you rather buy these 2 or one or the other. Any other suggestion is welcome.

Read Answer Asked by Yves on December 21, 2022