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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi there,

Lundin has good mines and good ones coming on line in the next 2-3 years. The growth potential is good. Why the stock is a good buying opportunity. Is the dividend safe and can it grow. Is their business model still good. Rick Rule has great compliments of the Lundin family. In advance, thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

Read Answer Asked by Norwood on March 27, 2023
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

Recently a member (Reg) asked:

Q: I am a holder of CSU inside my TFSA - as such I have received shares of Lumine - realizing you are not tax experts are these Lumine shares allowed to be held inside my TFSA.
My advisor thinks they might not be - TBD. If they are not allowed they need to be removed - would that count as a withdrawal in the eyes of the CRA?

Perhaps Reg was asking about the "new" shares of LMN that he received, given that he had already made his maximum contribution to this year's TFSA.

What action should be taken in such a case, to keep the CRA happy?

Thanks as always for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on March 27, 2023
Q: When will I be able to add LMN-V to my watchlist with 5iresearch?Would appreciate a notification when it is done so that I don’t have to keep trying every day.
Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Terry on March 27, 2023
Q: Do you know any etfs that track the S&P Global Luxury Index and that trade in Canada or the US? Looking for something that gives exposure to European luxury brands but does not trade on a European exchange
Read Answer Asked by Daniel on March 27, 2023
Q: Hi Folks,
I have a question concerning what affect a recession would have on Tech stocks such as Apple, Microsoft, Google and even Constellation Software?
I am nibbling away at buying these now but I am wondering whether I should wait to finish buying my full position on each until the recession is over.
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on March 24, 2023
Q: I have a 1% position in DOO and was planning on increasing it. With the recent fall off in price, this seems like an opportunity. However, it is a bit surprising given good results! Anything to worry about ? Good time to add or wait ?
I own NVDA & Qcom - both close to 5%. I notice in a response to to a question about entry points for NVDA that you suggest around $200. Does that mean you expect a significant pullback in the near future? If so, would that apply to Qcom as well ? Would reducing both positions by half be appropriate ?
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on March 24, 2023