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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I bought LLY on your advice a few weeks ago and it has been declining ever since. I am now down 14.6%, marking the steepest decline over this same period of any stock I own. All things being equal, my general rule of thumb is to cut the chord when stocks decline by 15% to minimize future losses. In LLY's case, I hold it in a non-registered account and can thus claim a tax loss. I confess to being disappointed by the stock's recent performance as part of my purchasing decision was driven by your very strong endorsement immediately prior to my purchase. (You had rated the company as a 9/10 for safety and 9/10 for growth.) If you were me, would you wait for LLY to eventually turn around (as I'm sure it will at some point) or are there greener pastures out there?
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on August 08, 2024
Q: Thanks for a recent suggestion for U.S. exposure in an open CAD account - HXS.

In my RRSP I was going to add BRK.B and was surprised by its low PE ratio of about 9. Is this correct? Maybe there is a better metric to use to evaluate this equity(?)

AVNV seems to be the perfect non-U.S. compliment in my RRSP (except for that bit of exposure it has to Canada…which is fine). I like the fact that it is an international Value ETF - a mixture of large, small and Emerging Market. I doubt there a better comparable option, but figured I’d ask if you are aware of one.
Read Answer Asked by James on August 08, 2024
Q: Hello 5i team, given events of this week, a lot of valuations have changed. I have a lot of CLS and am hoping it's a solid stock that got tossed into the penalty box due to a perception of it just being an AI stock.
If you had $10,000 today, and were looking to invest in high-growth over the next 5 years, how would you allocate it please? Or if that's too specific, please order the stocks from most to least favourable if bought today.
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Jess on August 08, 2024
Q: Hi Peter, what are your thoughts on the BRK earnings, big sales of APPl, and the $271B horde ? Warren loves Insurance and has been buying Chubb shares; could he take a run at it with its ~$100B Valuation ? Any other thoughts appreciated as its our biggest position. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on August 08, 2024
Q: Hi 5i
Thoughts on TEAM? Would you put it on watch...It's not one of my finest and with a tech heavy weight could provide funds for another name.
Read Answer Asked by mike on August 08, 2024
Q: This week Smoak Capital had a write up on Leons in their Mid Year letter to investors. They figure that a combined value for Leon's for the business and the real estate is 40-60$ per share. Couple of questions what is your thoughts of the valuation of the stock right now ignoring the possible spin out of the real estate. The second question is Leons stated that they would spin out the real estate when the market looks better. I know that we have had a few days sell off but with interest rates dropping do you think things are lining up for real estate spin out. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Jerome on August 08, 2024
Q: Sir:
In reviewing the trust holdings for Grandchildren, I noticed that these previous darlings of 5i are all on life support. So , going forward, what are your recommendations? Thanks- Jim
Read Answer Asked by James on August 08, 2024
Q: Would you kindly provide 4 US stocks and 4 CDN stocks that would be your best bets today to increase in value by 1000% over the next 10 years. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on August 08, 2024
Q: What are you suggestions for the best 5 Canadian and American growth dividend stocks
Read Answer Asked by Mike on August 08, 2024