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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Looking for two or three of your favourite industrial companies as I’m low in this sector.
Looking for good management, good valuation compared to peers, a dividend, and hopefully some growth. Please rank best 1st. For 5+ year hold. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Brad on February 16, 2023
Q: Based on my 2 cents I feel like WCN is expensive between the 2. Can you provide your thoughts on valuation, debt and cash flow or any other more relevant metrics to compare these 2 ?
Pick one or suggest something similar in garbage space ?
Thank you for your service.
Read Answer Asked by Jabs on February 16, 2023
Q: I’m struggling a bit with the balance of income (dividends) and growth in a portfolio. I just looked up the 5 and 10 year CAGR for my core, large cap dividend paying holdings and discovered almost all were less than 10% (and many much lower, BNS, NTR?). I know it all comes down goals/objectives, but trying to assess the risk of mid cap growthier stocks and then attempting to factor in the tax implications of capital gains versus dividends is making my head hurt. It looks to me that as a financial holding TMX (X-T) would have been a better investment than, say, Scotiabank (BNS-T) over the last 10 years, at what would seem not much added risk. If you could put on a income investor hat, is there some level of longer term CAGR that you would balk at, and say “there has to be an acceptable risk equity out there with a better return”?.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on February 16, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
A question born out of wanting to save both time and paper (or perhaps just out of laziness...):
Do you know of any site where the relevant metrics of companies can be displayed side by side, for convenient comparison purposes. For example, right now I'm interested in comparing ENB and TRP to decide whether to offload some or all of the former in favour of the latter. I can look up each on 5i and print the page(s) for each containing the metrics, but I'd much prefer to bring them - and maybe one or two others like KEY and PPL for example - up all together and review on screen all at once in vertical side by side displays, but I don't know of any site that will let me do that. I wonder if you, or any members who read this, might?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 16, 2023
Q: What would you consider to be a minimum net profit margin I should be targeting for companies? I was interested in Magna on this pullback but noticed their NPM is in the mid/low single digits which seems skinny for a manufacturer. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 16, 2023
Q: Hi 5i team i hear sometime on tv channels you can buy six month T-bills and earn over 5% fix income without any risk how can you buy those products in Canada what is symbol for something like that
Read Answer Asked by parmjit on February 15, 2023