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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good Morning
Would like your opinion on the Harvest Health Care ETFs? Need to increase health care in portfolio. Is there another way to invest in health care that you would be preferable?
Would it be advisable to be Hedged or Un-Hedged?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Heather on May 11, 2023
Q: How do you think introduction of CBDC will impact the entire banking sector in both Canada and USA?
Read Answer Asked by Timour on May 11, 2023
Q: Hi Gang

What are your top ten Canadian dividend stocks at this time
With a 5 yr investment time line

Thanks Mike B
Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 11, 2023
Q: atz,goos,cia,pd,td,tsu,This stocks are big looser for me, which to keep or sell or replaced?.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on May 11, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
Thanks for all the great work you do.
What are your 5 best overall small cap ideas right now and 5 best small cap value ideas ?
Thanks so much,
Read Answer Asked by Murray on May 11, 2023
Q: I’m in my mid 30’s and typically have just about all my net worth in equities. I’ve recently moved to nearly a 40% weight in high interest etfs (PSA etc) paying over 4% to park cash in what I think is a pretty crummy outlook for the economy mid term. Do you think I’m being overly pessimistic
Read Answer Asked by Scott on May 11, 2023
Q: I have an offer to purchase Meridian credit union Class A Shares. I realize that this is a little off base but any of your impute would be appreciated. Thanks, James
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on May 11, 2023