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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi There!

I have read your comments this morning on ECN. it looks like the root cause of their troubles is the inflationary times, Marine/RV/Mobile home financing originations are shrinking considerably etc. I’m a long time holder who is breaking even at these levels. The position is a small part of a diversified portfolio (about 1.5% presently). Do you think it’s worth waiting for the “strategic evaluation” or should one just call it a day and SELL? Otherwise I think it’s a long wait for anything positive to happen here?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 16, 2023
Q: My portfolio analytics says I'm low on consumer staples.

I'm considering the above companies but also wondering if the ETFs listed might be the better way to go.

Please comment and rate these companies and ETFs.

Thanks as always for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on May 16, 2023
Q: Hello 5i team,
I currently hold BNS in my TFSA for income. I wanted to add more given the recent downgrade of some CAN banks. Is the downgrade given as a result of US banking turmoil and recession anticipation (South American exposure in BNS's case)?

How stable is the dividend very long term? Do you think there will be an increase in the coming quarter/annual results? I have asked this before but would like to know what the pulse is for it's payout.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on May 16, 2023