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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: ZPR or ZMI - which could be a better long term hold in a TFSA?
Read Answer Asked by steve on May 17, 2023
Q: Here is a stock that portfolio managers and analysts have extolled its virtues and proclaimed the shares a buy. Yet the shares are in perfect downtrend moving from high to low with no signs of forming a bottom. So where are all mangers who like this company. Surely all those who liked the stock a few weeks back should like the company even more today. Or perhaps a cynic might possibly think that the shares are being recommended to the unwary so that they can distribute their shares. A market technician would surely conclude that the shares are currently a sell. Perhaps you could shed some light on what you think is going on. And if you still like the shares, why and where a bottom might logically occur. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by John on May 17, 2023
Q: hi all:

i know you folks don't look at charts (much) yet the fact is BN has been in a downtrend (lower highs, lower lows) for 18 months

$40 looks like long term support

if $40 does not hold, this is likely going to $32-34

with apparent good results, i have no idea why the company's price is performing so poorly, yet maybe its opaque accounting is finally catching up with them?

thanks for all your valuable insights over the years
Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 17, 2023
Q: I'm interested in investing in several ETFs that use the covered call strategy to protect from downside pressure on their prices. I'm attracted to the high monthly distributions that some of them pay. Understanding there are disadvantage to this strategy if the market. turns up, please suggest 4 or 5 ETFs that you believe have a good chance of holding their value or increasing it while maintaining their distributions going forward.
Read Answer Asked by Les on May 17, 2023
Q: Hello 5i team,
I'm thinking of increasing my position in ZWU in my TFSA. It pays a big distribution of 8.39% at the moment, and is trading near its 5 and 10 year lows. As utilities have been beat down by rising rates over the past year, would you expect a recovery in the unit price as central banks reach their "terminal rates" and look towards reducing rates in 2024? My understanding is that calls are not written on all of the fund's holdings, leading me to think there is some upside in the unit price if/when utilities recover, in addition to collecting an outsized yield. Is my thesis correct?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Brian on May 17, 2023
Q: An anecdotal comment and a question.

1) When you recommended ECN as part of the portfolio I purchased EFN instead, a fat finger mistake. Unfort when I realized the 'mistake' I made I sold me EFN and bought ECN. A mistake I wished I hadn't corrected.

2)An analyst I follow, with a 65% success rate (wished I was that good) made this recco this am.:

"TD Securities analyst Mario Mendonca downgraded ECN Capital Corp. (ECN:CN) (OTC: ECNCF) from Buy to Hold with a price target of Cdn$0.00..."

I have seen your comments on ECN this am. Its performance has been abysmal ever since it was added to the port, how strongly do you feel ECN will survive and not hit 0?

Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on May 17, 2023