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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am holding two stocks in which I am under water and would greatly appreciate your insight and opinion.
AUM- Golden Minerals
NDM - Northern Dynasty Minerals

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Gil on April 25, 2012
Q: Hi Peter. I have been investigating Partners REIT (PAR.UN) for possible investment. While a small cap. REIT the management and directors appear to have a good background in real estate. Could I please have your thoughts on Partners. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by James on April 25, 2012
Q: Have you done any research on the rare earth companies? I had Avalon for number of years but sold all of our shares last May and I am wondering if there will be a time to re-consider this industry. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by William on April 25, 2012
Q: What is your preferred measure among those: free cash flow, NAV,Book value, or xtimes/sales, xtimes/profits, or P/E ratio.
And do you use the same metrics all the time or do you change metrics according to sector.
Read Answer Asked by claude on April 25, 2012
Q: Firm Capital (FC) is a dividend income stock (probably with low capital appreciation potential) that pays a a fully taxable distribution (interest income) of 7% annually (on a monthly basis).

I am wondering about the ability of the company to sustain the dividend - especially in the presence of a rising interest rate environment (also, is a potential real estate bubble a worry,here).



Read Answer Asked by Jim on April 25, 2012
Q: What are your thoughts on minco silver MSV. Will they get their permits?
Read Answer Asked by Ken on April 25, 2012
Q: SXC has had a spectacular run and has just bought another company (Catalyst). There appears to be an action suggesting that the Catalyst shareholders did not get enough. Is SXC now a 'sell' or do you see it going over $100? Its P/E seems rather high.
Read Answer Asked by Lynn on April 25, 2012
Q: Are you worried about an eventual,considerable decline in markets as a result of the amount of debt held by Gov'ts/individuals, price of oil, money printing, Israel/Iran fears, Europe debt, recession risks, eventual rising interest rates, derivatives, China slowing, US gov't stalemate, etc.
Read Answer Asked by stephen on April 25, 2012
Q: Do you consider LNV one of those energy companies paying too high of a dividend? Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Susan on April 25, 2012
Q: Which of the stocks you have covered would you see as a good choice for a TFSA? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Susan on April 25, 2012
Q: You seem to have a knack for commenting on stocks with limited following by mainstream analysts - that alone makes my subscription interesting. What are your thoughts on RPI.UN (Richards Packaging)? It has a fat dividend and a fair bit of insider buying not too long ago.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on April 24, 2012
Q: Do you have any thoughts on the investment merits of gamehost (GH) as a dividend income (and hopefully growth) stock?
Read Answer Asked by Jim on April 24, 2012
Q: I have Cline mining CMK - 1000 shares at a cost of $4.42 and the present value is .84 cents and falling. I expect that several of the points in the reasons to sell email apply to Cline. I only get $800 from a sale but I'm thinking it is best to sell and invest in another stock that has more potential.Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Alan W. on April 24, 2012
Q: thi made an american expansion how is it doing? Is the US
acuiscion reason not buy thi.
Read Answer Asked by matt on April 22, 2012