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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Guys, any thoughts positive or negative on TLM - Talisman and Trinidad Energy (TDG).

Thank-you for any information you can provide.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on April 26, 2012
Q: Hi, No response necessary..

Your 'question' feature is VERY educational;
gives a reason to come to your site more frequently
than otherwise; and as a value-added proposition,
virtually guarantees your success...

Keep up the good work, Peter et al!

Read Answer Asked by Jim on April 26, 2012
Q: Is Enervest Diversified Income Fund (eit.un) a reasonable low-to-moderate risk income alternative for a tax-sheltered account?

It has a high-yield (about 9% right now); however, the income is produced variously by the use of leverage; a share price that generally trades at a large discount (8-10%) to NAV; capital gains selling and the non-cash monthly drip program.

Read Answer Asked by Jim on April 26, 2012
Q: Hi Peter: In terms of Mart Resources, your former colleagues at Sprott-Allan Jacobs and Peter Imhoff-have recently added MMT to their portfolio. I've including some of what Peter had to say when he made it a top pick on BNN 29/12/11.

"Oil/gas producer in Nigeria and producing about 5000 BOE's and their net backs are between $40 and $45. Earned $20 million in Q3. Expect they will be ramping up their production. Just announced that the pipeline is going to be expanded so will be able to produce more so expects that in Q1 and Q2 production will increase quite a bit. Extremely cheap. Now analysts are following this. Expecting a special dividend followed by regular dividend next year."
Read Answer Asked by David on April 26, 2012
Q: Hi. Perhaps you could add McCoy Corp (MCB.TO) to your list of potential reports because I would like to get your opinion on it. They manufacture equipment for the energy services sector and it looks interesting to me because it pays a dividend and their earnings seem to be good. I think you mentioned somewhere you were concerned about the sustainability of dividends on small cap energy service stocks. Do you think this falls into that category and should I be concerned about a dividend cut? Is there any upside here?

Read Answer Asked by Anthony on April 26, 2012
Q: Hello Peter,
Could do you a research report on CHL.A i.e. Canadian Helicopters going forward, so far the stock has held up very well. Is the dividend safe & if you owned the stock would continue to hold it & buy more on the dips? Thank You, Lucy
Read Answer Asked by Lucy on April 26, 2012
Q: Great work Peter - thank you.Re Innovative Concepts [ IC on tsx].Their $60 million contract for housing in Haiti has been delayed.No info or announcement on their website nor any details about this.Do you have any detail about causation,future probability of the contract etc?
Read Answer Asked by drew on April 26, 2012
Q: What are your thoughts on Mart Resources (MMT)? This is a great service. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on April 26, 2012
Q: Husky(HSE) or Suncor(SU)?

With oil prices down at the moment I'm thinking this may be a good time to enter the Energy Sector.
In looking for both value and growth, along with a long-term investment (10-15 years).
In your opinion, which company best meets these qualifications?
Read Answer Asked by Deborah on April 26, 2012
Q: Hello Peter. Would appreciate your advice on HEX and AVF for income AVF has dropped considerably and HEX does not seem able to advance by much.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on April 26, 2012
Q: I am hearing more often that US equities will outperform Canada. Do you share this view? Will you be issuing any reports on US equities?
Read Answer Asked by Albert on April 26, 2012
Q: A suggestion, since I believe in agriculture as a natural strength of canada.

Alliance Grain Traders (AGT - Toronto) have dropped to $12 from the low $30's, and pay $.15 quarterly. Is this something you might assess?
Read Answer Asked by John on April 25, 2012
Q: What is your outlook for lithium and other battery related rare earths over the next 1 - 5 years and are thee any stocks or funds that specialize in rare earths that you would recommend. Thanks Jim
Read Answer Asked by William on April 25, 2012
Q: Hi, tag oil -tao- seems to be favorite of late. They are drilling in New Zealand which I never heard of before?
Have you any information on this company?

Thanks,Brad Anderson
Read Answer Asked by Brad on April 25, 2012