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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, do you any opinion about buying Detour Gold right now? It is down from its highs, but has no revenue. It looks like it doesn't need any more finincing to finish the mine and will start pouring gold next year. Compared to OSK it looks cheap? Too risky or a good opportunity. Better to wait until next year when production starts or is it likely a valuation revision will occur before then if they continue to keep on schedule?
Read Answer Asked by Kel on May 02, 2012
Q: Hi Peter,

Glentel just announced EPS of 0.15 vs 0.23 estimate today. I bought it a few days back at 17.76. Should I sell and get out or hold it at this point? Appreciate your feedback

Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 02, 2012
Q: In searching out US companies with a good dividend payout, there is one that stands out - AGNC. What are your thoughts on this company and, if you do recommend it, is it still worhtwhile to hold in a TSFA despite the 15% withholding tax?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 02, 2012
Q: Hi Peter, I've held Sonomax (SHH) and Sea Dragon (SDX) for several years is it time to give up on these two or is there still hope and would you average down.
Read Answer Asked by Nick on May 01, 2012
Q: I have a question about Liquor Stores NA Ltd. washington state recently passed a referendum to privitize state liquor stores. will this change your rating
Read Answer Asked by peter on May 01, 2012
Q: What are your thoughts on Canadian Zinc(CZN.T)?Will it be able to get permits and go along? or go down further?
Thank you Sir
Read Answer Asked by Subbu on May 01, 2012
Q: Atlantic Power is another high-end yielding stock (currently 8.0+%, paid monthly) which has a high-payout ratio (?90+% or so), but positive corporate guidance regarding sustainabilty of the dividend.

Do you think that management guidance here - offsets the concern about the high-payout ratio?

What's the degree of risk in buying this stock?


Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 01, 2012
Q: I have seen a lot of placements private or not been done lately with an inordinate amount of warrants attached.
It always was a warning sign for me when a placement of shares was accompanied by 1 or 1/2 warrant.
Is this your opinion?
Read Answer Asked by claude on May 01, 2012
Q: Mart Resources released there 2011 earnings today. 71.8 million net income (21.4cents/share) and 144.1 million cash flow (42.9cents/share). Proven reserve increase of 15%, proven plus probable increase of 16%. This doesn't include their latest well which stepped their producing hydrocarbon layers out by around 1km. Q1 and Q2 of 2012 look to be even better as their production has increased. Curious as to your thoughts. Apologies for asking again (2 others have asked) but the earnings came out today. Please keep up the great work.
Read Answer Asked by Frederick on May 01, 2012
Q: Can you give me your view on Miranda Technologies. I bought it for anticipated capital gain on the London olympic contract so find yesterday's drop surprising.
Read Answer Asked by Gayle on May 01, 2012
Q: 5i Reports Snapshot View

If at all possible would you please consider adding "Sector" & "Industry" as a snapshot on your reports where you have the "Traded As", "Price", "Dividend" etc... listed.

Read Answer Asked by Deborah on May 01, 2012
Q: Over the years I’m sure you have acquired some great reads and learned from some great master stock pickers – I am interested in learning more about how one evaluates companies and their numbers. From reviewing this new section I see that stocks I perceive as good, others are too, so I’m learning… Do you have any recommendations?
Read Answer Asked by Philip on May 01, 2012
Q: Student Transportation (STB on the TSX) is a high-dividend paying stock, currently paying an 8.6+% monthly dividend)which is somewhat controversial because of its opaque financial statements and business model.

Is this stock a house of cards or is it a dividend seekers dream stock?

Thanks, once again.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 01, 2012
Q: I have been a holder of Inter Pipeline,IPL-UN for a number of years with great stock value growth and a good dividend, is it time to sell or is there more to come?
Read Answer Asked by John on May 01, 2012