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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Will you cap the number of customers you offer your newsletter to?
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on May 10, 2012
Q: Hi Peter,

I like your opinion on TOL and STO both of which are in the oil and gas sector. I bought TOL a few months ago at around 3.70. Ever since it has been in a free fall. Is it time to sell and move on or should I keep holding on? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 10, 2012
Q: I have a question about phx energy services(PHX).I would like to know why it trades at such a low price ,the foward pe is 8.61 and the yield 7.5 percent, when it had a record fourth quarter raising the dividend 50 percent ,the first quarter was also very good.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 09, 2012
Q: What is your opinion on Capstone Mining [CS]? It appears to have found support at $2.50 and they reported a good first quarter with $500 million in cash and no debt.
Read Answer Asked by Don on May 09, 2012
Q: Hi Peter,

Consulting firm I-Runway did a report on Smartphone patent wars analysis on "4G-LTE technology", but they did not have Wi-Lan on their report or did not make the list. However, Wi-Lan claimed that they have over 500 patents on 4G/LTE. Can you please provide your comments. Report is on i-Runway website.
Read Answer Asked by Mohammed on May 09, 2012
Q: Hi Peter,
I have been purchasing share of Wi-Lan for the last 10 years and I have alaways hoping for a take over offer. Do you think it's time for such a take over offer now? Since, the share price is below $5.
Read Answer Asked by Mohammed on May 09, 2012
Q: Perhaps this co. is too junior to comment on, but fwiw, any thoughts on Platinum Group Metals, PTM? They've started building a mine, 250 million financing has apparently gone to the banking syndicate committee.
Read Answer Asked by John on May 09, 2012
Q: Not a question Peter..more a statement. I have, in a short time, come to look to your expert opinion in investment properties. So much so that I have cancelled all but one of the other services I tried to glean information from. I look at your report, check with Marketclub to see which direction the stock is going and if the timing is right, I will then proceed with an initial (not all in at once) purchase. What you are providing is invaluable to me and I wanted to stop by and say Thank you. I look forward to a long and profitable relationship with 5iResearcg.
Read Answer Asked by Wayne on May 09, 2012
Q: I'm not an Accountant, but I keep hearing that I should concentrate on companies with good balance sheets. Can you tell me what to look for on the balance sheets and a guideline for what to avoid? Is there a certain level of debt that is a red flag? I guess my question is what makes a good balance sheet?
Read Answer Asked by Brent on May 09, 2012
Q: Hello,

I realy like the ask a question offering. It must keep you busy! What is your opinion of Bird Construction? BDT.TO

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Elizabeth R on May 09, 2012