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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, concerning data group symble DGI. Is the dividend safe?
Read Answer Asked by george on May 12, 2012
Q: What is your view on the Equitable Group (ETC - TSX)?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Philip on May 12, 2012
Q: Re: Insider buying (an odd question) Can you think of any other plausible explanation for insider buying (especially CEO, CFO, Board Member) than that the buyer is signalling that the shares purchased are attractively priced relative to future business prospects?

e.g. Skippen's recent purchases of WIN shares....
Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 12, 2012
Q: I have a question about Wi-Lan

Hi Peter, regarding your response to Jim on May 10, wouldn't it be reasonable then to lower Wi-Lan's rating from A now or would you prefer to wait and see for the next few quarters? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Hussein on May 11, 2012
Q: Good morning, what is your view on Data Group DGI-T? Thanks Dave
Read Answer Asked by Dave on May 11, 2012
Q: JAG got beaten up badly after they cancelled their strategic review. Do you think the selling is overdone and it is a good time to take a position or should I avoid it completely? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 11, 2012
Q: Morning,

MT announced their results today which were weaker than expected. What do you think of these results?

Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 11, 2012
Q: Alliance Grain Traders(AGT-T) has dropped a lot,but with a 5% yield would you consider it a safe buy?
Read Answer Asked by gary on May 11, 2012
Q: When you look 5, 10, 20 years in the future what do you see? Or maybe the question should be 5, 10, 20 years in the future where are you looking?
Is this an exercise that you feel is productive for investing? If yes, are there ways in which you view it as more or less productive?
Read Answer Asked by Frederick on May 11, 2012
Q: Hi Peter, back in 2007 you spoke highly of 'PTS'- Points International. I bought on your recommendation at $3.45 it declined considerably and a while back it had a 1 for 10 reverse split. It has come back somewhat any thoughts on it now. I've recovered almost half of my investment, would you still hold it and where might it go from here. Thanks, Nick
Read Answer Asked by Nick on May 10, 2012
Q: What are your thoughts on Leisure World Senior Care(LW). The company is paying a big dividend and is in a growth industry, given the number of us boomers approaching our "golden" years.
Read Answer Asked by Chuck on May 10, 2012
Q: Hi Peter:

Thanks for your great work.

I have a question on a start up potash play - Karnalyte Resources - KRN-T.

Their reserve is just outside of Wynard, Saskatchewan & they plan to become the lowest cost producer in the world with new approach in technology. The IPO was in December 2010 at $8.60.

Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Read Answer Asked by Don on May 10, 2012
Q: Boston Pizza took a wicked plunge when earnings came out but recovered much of that the same day although it is still down slightly. Can you explain that and is it likely to pull back for a while . Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by William on May 10, 2012
Q: re: WIN - if one used the 10% stop-loss rule they'd be out of this one if purchased at %5.40 or less....investor sentiment is decidedly negative,seeming to give up on the "belief" in mananagment's ability to bring home the bacon...

How does a retail investor know the "truth" of the matter - should we hold on "faith" or let mr. market take us out of this one...

Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 10, 2012
Q: I would be considered a novice greenhorn investor. I did completet the CSC a number of years ago but have performed very little investing in the stock market. Being self employed for most of my life any available capital was invested in the business. I am preparing for when I will have available capital to invest and would like to know any books or web locations you might suggest that impressed you.

I thank you for your research and reports that are supplied with no conflict of interest, it is a clean reputable way of doing business. Some other former stock brokers etc. are supplying advice for a fee that appears to be clean of kick backs, trailer fees etc. would you comment on this new area of consulting advice for a fee.
Read Answer Asked by Albert on May 10, 2012
Q: Hi Peter. I was wondering what you think of Legacy Oil & Gas (LEG.TO). Lots of short sellers in this one. I know you used to run funds with the ability to go long and short. Putting on your "short seller's cap", what would be the argument for someone to short this stock because from my perspective it looks cheap with good growth and a CEO with past success in making investors money.

Read Answer Asked by Anthony on May 10, 2012
Q: Hello, can you please comment on where you guys & other PM's get their information from on covered companies? How would the DIY investor obtain this info to help in their own analysis? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Chris on May 10, 2012
Q: I really like the question segment. Thank you for sharing:)) I was intrigued by a subscribers question regarding RPI.UN on April 24th. I wonder if you have been able to follow up on that? Many thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Susan on May 10, 2012