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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Again with Boston Pizza . A pullback again yesterday . Should I view this as an opportunity and add some more ?
Read Answer Asked by William on May 18, 2012
Q: Hi Peter, Quetzal Energy I've had since .10 cents last year can it get back there so I can sell it and get back my investment, would you average down to get the average cost lower to sell or would you sell and move on. By any great miracle is there any hope?
Read Answer Asked by Nick on May 18, 2012
Q: I am having a problem with your website? The Blue Header across the top gets cut off to the right. It disappears after Testimonials and Media, all I see next is CO?

Is this your problem or mine?


Ross Berwick
Read Answer Asked by Ross on May 17, 2012
Q: I noticed that Cannacord Genuity has reduced the share price target on Aston Hill Financial (AHF)a smidgeon...

do you see any basis for their negative sentiment based upon the recent quarterly report - or upon sector-based concerns?

Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 17, 2012
Q: should i buy more boston pizza at this price or hold off
Read Answer Asked by peter on May 17, 2012
Q: i am interested in avenex symbol avf, 15 per cent yield, underfollowed and i think undervalued, your thoughts and would you review this company
Read Answer Asked by david on May 17, 2012
Q: Hi Peter. Hope you are having a good day. I like Horizon North Logistics (HNL.TO) for the cash flow growth and dividend. Are there any negatives that I should be aware of because it has pulled back 20% in price recently? I thought the recent results were fine but what do you think? I really value your opinion.

Read Answer Asked by Anthony on May 17, 2012
Q: The decision to buy a stock is made easier with your simple A,B,C,D scoring system and I really appreciate that. My questions is: Will 5i report, or make note of, when a good time to sell comes up for a previously high-scored company? If so what would be your indication - a downgrade to the previous score or should I be looking for something else?

Read Answer Asked by James on May 16, 2012
Q: With the current market roil in the resource sector, how will this impact upon the business activity (profitability) of resource-based service companies such as the 5i pick,the black diamond group, BDI?


Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 16, 2012
Q: What is your opinion of the current market situation. Are companies like Silver Wheaten and Barrick bargains at this point or do you think that they will continue to drop?
Read Answer Asked by Bashir on May 15, 2012
Q: Golden Minerals (AUM) dropped 18% today with no apparent news. The commodity markets are passing through a tough period but don't you think a drop of 18% is too much. Do these kind of drops have some big insiders unloading before the news becomes public? Is there something inherently wrong with the company as I do not see a catalyst except weak earnings which were already discounted into the price?
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 15, 2012
Q: Any Thoughts on Sandstorm Metals and Energy (SND)? i believe they should do well long term due to the management's past experiences. the company has had one or two hicups with regard to Royal Coal's bankruptcy, however, they are debt free and sitting on close to 40Million in cash and also they are currently trading below guaranteed cash flow, however, their is the risk of their other companies not meeting their targets. overall, i see more upside at current prices especially if ones time horizon is 5 years or more. how would you grade SND, and if you could kill two birds with one stone, then take a look at SSL also, the big sister.
Read Answer Asked by Graham on May 15, 2012
Q: What are your thoughts on Pacific Rubiales (PRE)? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on May 15, 2012
Q: What is your take on Richard Morrison's FP article on the weekend that takes the position that analysts' reports are no longer as biased as they once were, given the IDA's policy 11 (which I understand is meant to keep the investment bankers from influencing the analysts)?
Read Answer Asked by RICHARD on May 14, 2012
Q: With the carnage going on in the junior energy stocks, do you think that it is getting close to the time when it might be time to start building some positions in some of the higher quality names?

Read Answer Asked by Neil on May 14, 2012

What is your outlook for Cortex Business Solutions?
Read Answer Asked by Tova on May 14, 2012