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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Terrific site Peter.
I would like your opinion of NOA, I can't figure out why it has dropped off so much?
Read Answer Asked by Doug on May 22, 2012
Q: any thoughts on the Altamira Family of funds picked up by National Bank a few years ago.........a lot of our assets are parked there.............
Read Answer Asked by Art on May 22, 2012
Q: While we are on the silver theme, do you have an opinion on Fortuna It seems to be a good company. Thanks, Kelly.
Read Answer Asked by Kel on May 22, 2012
Q: More of a rant than a question...

“...In the run-up to Facebook’s $16-billion IPO, Morgan Stanley, the lead underwriter on the deal, unexpectedly delivered some negative news to major clients: The bank’s consumer Internet analyst, Scott Devitt, was reducing his revenue forecasts for the company. The sudden caution very close to the huge initial public offering, and while an investor roadshow was underway, was a big shock to some, said two investors who were advised of the revised forecast...”

So you’ve got the lead underwriter dumping on it a day before launch................

It had a P/E of 118.........................

Even at $ 0.30 cents it would have a market cap of $1 BILLION! It’s got a long way to fall. It was down almost 20% in the first 2 days of trading....Some institutions were shorting it DAY ONE.

Youtube went for $1.65 Billion.

But then Google was flagged as ridiculous at $300 8 years ago....It’s now $600............................
Read Answer Asked by Art on May 22, 2012
Q: Peter
What is your outlook on Great Panther GPR.T and is it a buy sell or hold? I belive Sprott owned soom.
Thanks in advance Andrew
Read Answer Asked by andrew on May 21, 2012
Q: re: Fiera Capital (FSZ)

Well, with Investor Group coming out with a reduction in fees to combat investor resistance/redemptions, and with continued market weakness/worries, one would think that fsz's share price will languish for a period of time...

Would you recommend that the long-term investor (a 5i-type of investor) should accumulate these shares at this time - or put such purchases on the back burner awaiting positive quarterly reports.

Thanks, as always ;)
Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 21, 2012
Q: Your coverage is intended to be limited to the Canadian market. In order to diversify could you recommend a high-quality mutual fund that invests in global equities? I have been looking at the Mawer Global Small Cap Fund. Do you have any guidelines as to how much of one's portfolio should one have invested in Canada? Personally, I am appx. 20 years away from retirement and intend on retiring in Canada. Thanks Peter!
Read Answer Asked by Derek on May 21, 2012
Q: Do you have an update for Leon's? It seems to just be generating enough earnings to cover the dividend now? ($.12 and $.10 respectively). I know that it is tough to look at only one quarter but earnings have fallen in the quarter for each of the last two years and annual earnings are down over the last year. My concern is how will it fund its expansion plans? Thanks Peter!
Read Answer Asked by Derek on May 21, 2012
Q: Hi you have any information on MAG Silver (MAG.T). Last week MAG Silver announced it has the largest Carbonate Replacement Deposit manto in the world at the ir Cinco de Mayo project in Mexico. Is this a stock worth watching or is this simply a marketing always your comments and direction would be of considerable value here.
Read Answer Asked by Wayne on May 20, 2012
Q: Peter...NEW member.........what are the potential downsides to high yielding small caps? i'm 60. Art
Read Answer Asked by Art on May 20, 2012
Q: Hi Peter. I am a new member (just few days) and have missed your report on "Golden Star Resources - GSC" in January. Should I hold on my GSC shares sine it went down so much ?
Read Answer Asked by Loni on May 19, 2012
Q: Keegan Res. KGN.t has over 200 mill in the bank and over 5.5mil oz with a low float and a couple days ago was trading for less than the cash in the bank.
Peter what are your thought is it a buy sell or hold and why?

thanks in advance

Read Answer Asked by andrew on May 18, 2012
Q: Hello Peter:

Several, perhaps many, months ago I believe I saw an article in the Globe ROB in which you spoke (positively) about Primary Corp (PYC) issuing it's first ever dividend. What are your thoughts about this company today?


Read Answer Asked by Don on May 18, 2012
Q: Peter,

MT is going to make a decision within the next 30 days or so about any future steps. Do you think they would have any concrete offers to work with? Just that the companies that have decided not to pursue strategic alternatives have recently been punished badly? I hope that is not the case with MT. Also if there is an offer what would be a reasonable range as analysts have recently downgraded the stock to just 12 dollars.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 18, 2012
Q: In the beginning of January, 2010, on the advice of my broker I bought CJT @ $10 a share.....I have held it through thick and thin (mostly thin) ever since.....the stock does pay a good dividend and has raised it recently but still not enough to regain original question is: at a share price of aroung $6.60, should I double up on it and hope for an $8 price when the economy picks up, or just hold what I have until same? Thanks Peter.
Read Answer Asked by Susan on May 18, 2012
Q: David Burroughs often talks about using point and figure charts to set his stop loss points. For those not so technically savvy, do you have any opinion of sites such as Smart Stops, or the use of stops at all for that matter. Thanks Jeff
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on May 18, 2012