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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning,
I would appreciate any comments you may have respecting par.un
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on May 24, 2012
Q: Re your response to Loni - May 19 re Golden Star; in the last 2 days, Tues and Wed, 7 insiders were buying at between C$.96 to C$1.04
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on May 24, 2012
Q: Hi Peter and group, regarding your response about WIN on May 9th; do you have an update from the company yet?

"The company has responded to us, but only to say they will provide an answer in a few days. Thank you for your patience"

Also, is there a posibility that 5i members can get your favorite 'quarterly' buy, hold and sell picks on junior and midcap companies for various categories such as oil and gas, golds, metals and minerals, etc...maybe a new area for 5i to expand into? Could be a very simple rating signal of buy, hold and sell...honest advice from an honest guy/company that members can really trust!

I bought a bunch of Spartan Oil, STO, Pinecrest, PRY, Novus, NVS and New Millenium, NML a while back and still holding onto all of them but having a real tough time getting good honest advise about whether to continue to hold or to sell these companies!!!

Thanks much, Hussein
Read Answer Asked by Hussein on May 23, 2012
Q: Do you have any experience/knowledge regarding forfeited mining claims and their subsequent scoop by a different company? I ask because I've been following Rye Patch Gold (RPM). Coeur d'Alene Mines failed/forgot to pay their mandatory annual mining maintenance fees in Nevada. Rye Patch applied for them after about 2 months of waiting. Would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
Read Answer Asked by Frederick on May 23, 2012
Q: Hi Peter. I started looking into some of the other restaurant royalties after following your recommendations on A&W (6.5% yield) and Boston Pizza (6.9% yield). I found a few others with even better yields like 8.5% from Second Cup Royalty (SCU) and 9.0% from Sir Royalty (SRV.UN). Are you as familiar with these names and would you count these as worthy of investment as well?

Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on May 23, 2012
Q: Further to AM, is the high yield due to the fact the stock has been trending down since the mid-80's?
Read Answer Asked by Art on May 23, 2012
Q: I'm carrying AM in my TFSA, based on good yields and growth.
Lately it's been smacked hard - is this just mkt trend or something co. specific?
Read Answer Asked by robert on May 23, 2012
Q: My broker recently put me into egl.un,Eagle Energy Trust,@ 11.07-currently about 10.50,good dividend.I am retired senior& like income.Your thoughts please.
Read Answer Asked by Gerald on May 23, 2012
Q: First I want to say what an amazing resource 5i has been. You just started and I already feel it's my best bang-for-the-buck investment! My question is on portfolio hedging. If we are holding stocks we like, but are worried about a general market sell-off, what is the best way for a retail investor to take market risk out? Specifically, I'm asking about accounts I can not short in, RRSP, TFSA ect. Puts usually have high bid-ask spreads, inverse ETFs have high fees and performance slippage. It just seems there is no efficient way for a retail investor with trading costs to hedge. Is selling some of my holdings the best way then?


Read Answer Asked by Matt on May 23, 2012
Q: Regarding Exco (XTC)...The Globe's Midnight Trader endorsed this stock a month ago. Reuters issued a BUY report on it 4 days ago. Scotia Capital issued a report last December. Research Team(RT) issued a BUY report at the end of March. Ativo and CCS also weighed in on Exco. VALUENGINE issued a BUY report as early as NOV 2010. Question: as it's now at a 4 year do you determine when and who to review?


WaterFurnace Renewable Energy(WFI) is at a 6 year low with nice yield and P/E. Zacks Consensus has it as a BUY. as well as FIRST CALL.
Read Answer Asked by Art on May 23, 2012
Q: Peter, I'd love to get your take on Westdome Gold Mines.
Read Answer Asked by Marc on May 23, 2012
Q: Peter:
Could you please comment on Richards Packaging Income Fund - symbol RPI.UN

Read Answer Asked by Gail on May 22, 2012
Q: I'm still learning to navigate your website, hope you will excuse this (seemingly) silly question. In trying to see if you have a report on CSH.un, I notice that there's no way to access reports earlier than this year. Is that true or am I missing something?

Anyway, I'd like to know what you think of CSH.un and whether you have another preference in that space. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Molly on May 22, 2012