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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I would appreciate any comments you could share on Yellowhead Mining. YMI.
Read Answer Asked by norman on May 27, 2012
Q: Hi there Peter, I like to ask your opinion of WFI its looks to have hit some what of a bottom, yeilds 5%, and seems like a good green growth company in the feild of geothermal heating and cooling industry. Could you take a look and tell me what you think. Itching to buy!!!! also in article of Forbes Mag. don't want to follow the herd pop on fri may 25
Read Answer Asked by douglas on May 26, 2012
Q: Parkland Fuel (PKI). I am just starting to take "ownership" of my portfolio and I hardly have financial analyst skills. However, I noticed the following about Parkland:
- it is trading near its 52 week high
- it had over $200 million in intangibles on its balance sheet
- its P/E ratio seems high and the forward P/E is less
- its dividend exceeds its profit. I don't really understand the theory of ignoring non-cash expenses in determining an appropriate distribution amount, unless the actual requirement for repair/replacement is less than the recorded distribution.

Am I being too cautious?
Read Answer Asked by Carl on May 25, 2012
Q: What are your thoughts on Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Ltd. (LIM)? Thank you for the great service!
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on May 25, 2012
Q: re: Sterling Resources (SLG), a stock well known (and once loved by Sprott) has experienced many bumps in the road - and great resultant volatility in the share price....with yet another opernation glitch (cost over-run and delay in the development of the Breagh field) is it time to throw in the towel on this company - or do you feel they will eventually realize their greatly touted potential (romania, netherlands, etc)...

Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 25, 2012
Q: hello ,I want to get your idea for tsx:GMP for long term
what is best play ( long term ) Canadian junior mining and gold ?
best play for S&P TSX and Canadian divident payer.
Read Answer Asked by mahdyar on May 25, 2012
Q: Hi Peter,Would you please give me your opinion on URB.A Thanks
Read Answer Asked by merrill on May 24, 2012
Q: Hi Peter. Keep up the excellent work. I am interested in starting to accumulate a position in gold/silver bullion. I was looking at Central Fund of Canada (CEF.A.TO). As far as I know, it is a closed-end fund which is equally weighted between gold & silver and has typically traded for a 5-10% premium to net asset value. Today, it is available for a 2% discount to net asset value (which I assume is because investor sentiment is just brutal). Do you generally like closed-end bullion funds like this one or would you prefer the open-ended bullion funds like GLD & SLV instead? I must admit the gold bugs have got me worried about the open-ended ones as they question whether you can be certain the etf is really backed by physical bullion. Do you think that is a legitimate concern or something not to worry about?

Read Answer Asked by Anthony on May 24, 2012
Q: Your thoughts on Madalena Ventures (MVN-V)? They announced a bought deal in Feb. at $1.25 and recent news in Argentina nationalizing parts of the oil industry is obviously bad news. That being said, it appears they have great assets, have satisfied the requirements of the ARG government and are close to profitability. Does this look like a good entry point in the low $0.40's?
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on May 24, 2012
Q: Company named DirectCash Payments Inc. (DCI-TSX). While their latest quarter is somewhat disappointing, they are in the midst of purchasing an Australian ATM company. Have you done any work on this company? Has a nice yield.
Read Answer Asked by Greg on May 24, 2012
Q: My question is on a small oil company called Solara Exploration [saa.a]which has had a large drop in price and trades very few shares.
Read Answer Asked by garry on May 24, 2012