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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Ok Orko Silver, recent spike up, Gold Corp is a large share holder, Your thoughts please
Read Answer Asked by Ian on June 02, 2012
Q: Trl-t Trimel 3 rd phase trials,new viagara male, female, Eugene Melnyk large share holder,Your analysis please and thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ian on June 02, 2012
Q: Hi Peter - excellent analysis to date. Could I please have your thoughts on Rogers Sugar, RSI. Thanks.

Regards, David
Read Answer Asked by david on June 02, 2012
Q: Could you tell me if you like any of the smaller REITs or real estate corps at current prices. A lot of the larger ones look pretty fully valued, so I am exploring ones like AAR.UN and PLZ. What do you think? Thanks for your comments.
Read Answer Asked by Noel on June 01, 2012
Q: Peter, out of the five big banks, which would you buy? Royal, Scotia, Bank of Montreal, CIBC, or National? Or is there another bank that you would buy?
Read Answer Asked by susanna on June 01, 2012
Q: what is the purpose of small caps paying healthy dividends rather than plowing it back into the company for growth/expansion...etc......
Read Answer Asked by Art on June 01, 2012
Q: Peter, what is your opinion of CML Healthcare. I currently own the stock. With the government's reduction of fees, is it time to sell?
Read Answer Asked by susanna on June 01, 2012
Q: What is your opinion on Independent gold IGO? can it get taken out again?
Read Answer Asked by Ken on June 01, 2012
Q: I would like your opinion of Moly Mines MOL, seems to me they still have a great asset even though they have delayed developement but at least have a working profitable iron ore mine.
Really like your site and the reasonable cost of it but the sign in could be easier (remember me on this computer option) and even to find the question area takes me awhile (although I am an old fart and that is likely the issue).

Thanks Doug
Read Answer Asked by Doug on May 31, 2012
Q: Peter,
Can you please provide your take on the proposed aquisition of Open Range Energy by Cequence Energy? I am a current shareholder of Open Range.
Read Answer Asked by Marc on May 31, 2012
Q: What is your opinion of New Look Eyewear (BCI)?
Read Answer Asked by susanna on May 31, 2012
Q: What is your opinion of CSE (Capstone Infrastructure Corp) on the TSX? The dividend is high, but are infrastructure companies able to continuing paying them?
Read Answer Asked by susanna on May 31, 2012
Q: Peter, I'd like your take on Inter Pipeline Fund, IPL.UN.
Read Answer Asked by Marc on May 31, 2012