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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, I would like your opinion on Temple reit. tr.un. a buy,sell, hold. thanks george
Read Answer Asked by george on June 11, 2012
Q: Hi Peter, I have a question regarding Spartan STO and Pinecrest PRY, what are your thoughts on these two well run oils? Also, have you come across these two CEO's through your past dealings at Sprott and your thoughts on them (McHardy and Becker)? L Wade Becker, President and CEO of PRY who is a director of STO, also was invloved as a co-founder of Crescent Point Trust/Energy...what are your thoughts on mergers/takeovers by either or, or by Crescent Point?
If I may push my luck a little bit, your thoughts on Novus NVS and New Millenium NML would greatly be appreciated too...I can't seem to get honest advice on whether to hold or sell these companies at current prices...NML seems to have a ton of cash on hand and a great relationship with Tata Steel. NVS doesn't seem to be going anywhere for years but south! If you were rating these companies at 5i today what would they be in your view?
Thanks, Hussein

PS: greatly appreciate and respect your honest advice
Read Answer Asked by Hussein on June 08, 2012
Q: Prophecy Platinum (NKL) has recently begun releasing test-drill results on their Wellgreen property in the Yukon. They sound impressive but would like a second opinion on the stock as a long term speculative hold.
Thanks for all your information; I appreciate browsing all the questions and answers.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on June 08, 2012
Q: Just wondering why you do not provide price targets on the stocks you cover?
Read Answer Asked by Gerald on June 08, 2012
Q: It would be interesting to show a date of release on each report you produce, for example on the top of the report. I was interested to know when you wrote your report on BDI.
Thanks and congrats for this much needed frank tone from your reporting.
Read Answer Asked by claude on June 08, 2012
Q: Hello 5i!
Thank you for your recent "Investment Tips for Individual Investors". The fact that you were talking about me made me laugh. I learn geography best when looking at junior resource companies in god-knows-where locations. Still laughing. It was honest and I appreciate that.

On that note and without futher ado I would appreciate your input regarding a resource company, Arcan (ARN). We recently (wife and I) initiated a position at $2.17. We may be purchasing more but would appreciate input from the all seeing 5i Oracle.

Additionally previously one of your answers had talked about the recovery being long with low interest payments. 10 years was the guestimate for low interest. Could you elaborate on your thoughts for this time frame? Generally if interest rates aren't kept low the debt payments countries are carrying will hamstring them? So Countries will do their utmost to keep interest rates low while hopefully working like hell to reduce/drop debt. Then when interest rates/inflation comes hopefully their future earnings can out compete their future debt payments?
Read Answer Asked by Frederick on June 08, 2012
Q: Hello Peter
I have some Genivar which is raising more funds for expansion in Canada and internationally. What are your thoughts on this engineering company over next two years for yeild play with some upside. Hamish
Read Answer Asked by Hamish on June 07, 2012
Q: Have you done any research on Galvanic Applied Sciences (GAV)? It's financials look interesting to me and I'd appreciate your comments. I'm finding this Q+A section very useful.
Read Answer Asked by Noel on June 07, 2012
Q: Is there a Canadian publicly traded company that would see significant growth and share appreciation from the prospective switch from plastic to paper bags (Toronto et al.)? Thanks Larry
Read Answer Asked by LARRY on June 07, 2012
Q: got a request to buy ipo of healthlease properties. landlord not operator of seniors homes with 8-8.5 yd. your comments?
Read Answer Asked by brian on June 07, 2012
Q: Could you please elaborate on reasons jfs.un might be a good choice for a TFSA? I am quite certain that I read an explanation of the costs involved in this fund but unable to find now so would appreciate a link or site location. Were these costs or limitations relevant only to the IPO?
Read Answer Asked by Gayle on June 07, 2012
Q: Peter, could you please share your thoughts on the following stock positions: Home Capital Group HCG, an alternative lender in the mortgage business, and also Davis and Henderson DH, a financial service provider that has been diversifying away from their former primary business of cheque printing. Could you comment specifically on their business outlook and potential effects on their stock valuations.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on June 06, 2012
Q: CWA-T ... housing market in Canada on rise so they need Appliances. Good or bad ??
Read Answer Asked by Alan on June 06, 2012
Q: Hi Peter,
can you give me your thoughts on Doxa Energy, DXA. Its market cap is around 4 million, yet, based on its latest presentation, its land value alone on its Mississippian oil play is worth $0.28/share on fully diluted shares and 0.45/share on floating shares. This excludes all other property and the revenue it receives of $213,000/mth (net of taxes but not operating expenses). Is this a major miss-price in this company or is there more than meets the eye. Also based on the Average Sandridge NPV per well (as reported), the NAV potential of Doxa for this Mississippi play alone is $93MM for a cash flow company with a current market cap of just over $4MM. I asked management about the debt and they said all debt is unsecured and is supplied by shareholders and affiliates including the President and Chairman of Doxa, not financial institutions. In addition, the latest S&P Report of June 2nd shows their EPS is now positive 0.01/share along with growing revenue each quarter. So, its mind boggling to me why its trading at $0.12/share.
Read Answer Asked by Graham on June 06, 2012
Q: Hi Peter,
I have held IPL.UN for some time now & am very happy with the dividend & performance. It represents 1% of my portfolio of all dividend paying stocks. Do you rate interpipe a buy sell or hold at this time ?
Thanks & best wishes,
Read Answer Asked by Paul on June 06, 2012
Q: Can you give me your views on Vicwest (VIC). Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on June 06, 2012