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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good Morning,
Thank you for starting 5i Research. I will be a loyal subscriber for many years to come. My question is regarding Guardian Capital Group.(GCG.A) From a valuation perspective it looks cheap. The securities holdings alone are worth the market cap and debt. What would someone interested in the asset management business only (they have $16 Billion AUM) pay for the operating business ??? Thanks, DL
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on June 15, 2012
Q: Peter,

ACQ has been falling regularly in a pretty good US market. What do you think might be the reasons behind this? Keeping the uncertainty surrounding Europe, should one be a bit more cautious and reduce positions to keep cash until the situation is back to normal.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on June 14, 2012
Q: Hi, I bought ARN today. I know they seem to be having trouble selling non-core assets and Stimsol, but they are SO cheap based on metrix. Have you heard anything new on this in the last couple of weeks that may have changed your mind on your earlier comments? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kel on June 14, 2012
Q: Greetings Peter!:

What is your view of Longview Oil- LNV -?

Great forum. Many thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Don on June 13, 2012
Q: SGR would you please give me your opinion on San Gold the company [mines] also the management. Who are the largest shareholders? thank you cliff
Read Answer Asked by cliff on June 13, 2012
Q: CHL.A Canadian Helecopter is down $3.50 over past 3 days. I purchased in the teens 2 years ago. Any news as to trigger for this decline?BNP -Bonavista has been dropping for the last week- similar to PPL Pembina. Both good companies. Is this because gas liquids are now in surplus? Thankyou, Alan
Read Answer Asked by Alan W. on June 13, 2012
Q: Your thoughts on Imperial Metals (iii) would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by norman on June 12, 2012
Q: MMP.UN... own it, great distribution ... unsustainable? Has it bottomed out? Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on June 12, 2012
Q: Peter, your opinion please on Thomson Reuters Corp TRI. I purchased this early last year in a registered account. Yield is good but the stock price has dropped significantly and seems to be going nowhere. The company has had difficulty with the rollout of its Eikon platform, which I believe they are not having a great deal of success competing against Bloomberg. I believe they are also repositioning some of their business units through acquisitions and divestitures. Do you consider this dead money? Buy more, hold or sell? Do you have any recommendations as an alternative in this segment? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on June 11, 2012