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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have Cline mining CMK - 1000 shares at a cost of $4.42 and the present value is .84 cents and falling. I expect that several of the points in the reasons to sell email apply to Cline. I only get $800 from a sale but I'm thinking it is best to sell and invest in another stock that has more potential.Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Alan W. on April 24, 2012
Q: thi made an american expansion how is it doing? Is the US
acuiscion reason not buy thi.
Read Answer Asked by matt on April 22, 2012
Q: What do think of the saying sell in May and stay away?
Read Answer Asked by Joyce on April 22, 2012
Q: Many of your reviews are on companies that would be considered to be small cap. What percentage of a portfolio could be made up from your reviews of greater than C+ ?


Don S.
Read Answer Asked by Don on April 22, 2012
Q: I have always been fond of the Telecommunications Industry.
Do you have a recommendation on Vodafone?
Just joined, enjoying your Research. Keep up the Great work.
Read Answer Asked by Barry on April 21, 2012
Q: What are your thoughts about Exfo? Seems to be in a good space and consistently growing. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Derek on April 21, 2012
Q: What are your thoughts on some of the gold miners in Mali. All have sold off and the coup should be completely priced in. Is there still too much risk in this region. Specifically please comment on Avion (AVR). Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on April 21, 2012
Q: A number of the listed stocks have a purchase price that is close to the 52 week high. I expect that it is still ok to purchase if the stock is showing signs of growth in the future. I expect that 5i reports has already provided the pertinent information Could you comment generally on the information that one needs to consider in this situation.
Read Answer Asked by Alan W. on April 19, 2012
Q: Can you comment on Ithaca Energy Ltd iae. A possible acquisition is rumoured in the next month or so. Will the recent lower price for oil delay negotiations or result in a lower acquisition price? Perhaps the price won't be an issue since iae is involved with higher priced oil from the North Sea.
Read Answer Asked by Alan W. on April 18, 2012
Q: I have noticed that the stock has gone down since the reveiw but i have not purchased it yet. The stock is now below the 50 day MA but above the 200 day. Is it a good idea to wait until it bounces off the 200 day average before purchasing?
Read Answer Asked by Jim on April 17, 2012
Q: do you have a report coming out on primary corp. An article on Peter had noted this as one initiating dividend but do not see it in the reports
Read Answer Asked by david on April 17, 2012
Q: What would happen to Canexus stock if Catilyst Paper were to cease they are currently in bankrupry protection and things don’t look good? SZ
Read Answer Asked by Tilted on April 16, 2012
Q: Radiant Investment Management Ltd is offering it's main fund, Radiant Fund Corp through FundServ - RAD100 care to comment on this Mutual Fund offering?
Read Answer Asked by Steve on April 12, 2012