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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am hearing more often that US equities will outperform Canada. Do you share this view? Will you be issuing any reports on US equities?
Read Answer Asked by Albert on April 26, 2012
Q: A suggestion, since I believe in agriculture as a natural strength of canada.

Alliance Grain Traders (AGT - Toronto) have dropped to $12 from the low $30's, and pay $.15 quarterly. Is this something you might assess?
Read Answer Asked by John on April 25, 2012
Q: What is your outlook for lithium and other battery related rare earths over the next 1 - 5 years and are thee any stocks or funds that specialize in rare earths that you would recommend. Thanks Jim
Read Answer Asked by William on April 25, 2012
Q: Hi, tag oil -tao- seems to be favorite of late. They are drilling in New Zealand which I never heard of before?
Have you any information on this company?

Thanks,Brad Anderson
Read Answer Asked by Brad on April 25, 2012
Q: I am holding two stocks in which I am under water and would greatly appreciate your insight and opinion.
AUM- Golden Minerals
NDM - Northern Dynasty Minerals

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Gil on April 25, 2012
Q: Hi Peter. I have been investigating Partners REIT (PAR.UN) for possible investment. While a small cap. REIT the management and directors appear to have a good background in real estate. Could I please have your thoughts on Partners. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by James on April 25, 2012
Q: Have you done any research on the rare earth companies? I had Avalon for number of years but sold all of our shares last May and I am wondering if there will be a time to re-consider this industry. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by William on April 25, 2012
Q: What is your preferred measure among those: free cash flow, NAV,Book value, or xtimes/sales, xtimes/profits, or P/E ratio.
And do you use the same metrics all the time or do you change metrics according to sector.
Read Answer Asked by claude on April 25, 2012
Q: Firm Capital (FC) is a dividend income stock (probably with low capital appreciation potential) that pays a a fully taxable distribution (interest income) of 7% annually (on a monthly basis).

I am wondering about the ability of the company to sustain the dividend - especially in the presence of a rising interest rate environment (also, is a potential real estate bubble a worry,here).



Read Answer Asked by Jim on April 25, 2012
Q: What are your thoughts on minco silver MSV. Will they get their permits?
Read Answer Asked by Ken on April 25, 2012
Q: SXC has had a spectacular run and has just bought another company (Catalyst). There appears to be an action suggesting that the Catalyst shareholders did not get enough. Is SXC now a 'sell' or do you see it going over $100? Its P/E seems rather high.
Read Answer Asked by Lynn on April 25, 2012
Q: Are you worried about an eventual,considerable decline in markets as a result of the amount of debt held by Gov'ts/individuals, price of oil, money printing, Israel/Iran fears, Europe debt, recession risks, eventual rising interest rates, derivatives, China slowing, US gov't stalemate, etc.
Read Answer Asked by stephen on April 25, 2012
Q: Do you consider LNV one of those energy companies paying too high of a dividend? Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Susan on April 25, 2012
Q: Which of the stocks you have covered would you see as a good choice for a TFSA? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Susan on April 25, 2012
Q: You seem to have a knack for commenting on stocks with limited following by mainstream analysts - that alone makes my subscription interesting. What are your thoughts on RPI.UN (Richards Packaging)? It has a fat dividend and a fair bit of insider buying not too long ago.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on April 24, 2012
Q: Do you have any thoughts on the investment merits of gamehost (GH) as a dividend income (and hopefully growth) stock?
Read Answer Asked by Jim on April 24, 2012