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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter,
I have been purchasing share of Wi-Lan for the last 10 years and I have alaways hoping for a take over offer. Do you think it's time for such a take over offer now? Since, the share price is below $5.
Read Answer Asked by Mohammed on May 09, 2012
Q: Perhaps this co. is too junior to comment on, but fwiw, any thoughts on Platinum Group Metals, PTM? They've started building a mine, 250 million financing has apparently gone to the banking syndicate committee.
Read Answer Asked by John on May 09, 2012
Q: Not a question Peter..more a statement. I have, in a short time, come to look to your expert opinion in investment properties. So much so that I have cancelled all but one of the other services I tried to glean information from. I look at your report, check with Marketclub to see which direction the stock is going and if the timing is right, I will then proceed with an initial (not all in at once) purchase. What you are providing is invaluable to me and I wanted to stop by and say Thank you. I look forward to a long and profitable relationship with 5iResearcg.
Read Answer Asked by Wayne on May 09, 2012
Q: I'm not an Accountant, but I keep hearing that I should concentrate on companies with good balance sheets. Can you tell me what to look for on the balance sheets and a guideline for what to avoid? Is there a certain level of debt that is a red flag? I guess my question is what makes a good balance sheet?
Read Answer Asked by Brent on May 09, 2012
Q: Hello,

I realy like the ask a question offering. It must keep you busy! What is your opinion of Bird Construction? BDT.TO

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Elizabeth R on May 09, 2012
Q: Hi Peter,
Two companies that I have been following closely are New Millennium Iron (NML) and Royal Nickel (RNX).NML has the largest iron ore deposit in all of Canada, no debt, production starting late in the year and a wonderful strategic partner in Tata Steel out of India. RNX is essentially the ex Inco/Falconbridge guys with a huge nickel depsoit in Quebec. Mgmt currently in Asia talking with potential equity partners. I know commodities have been hit hard, both these companies have been hit hard but look like a buying opportunity. Any thoughts/opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on May 09, 2012
Q: Once again regaring Fiera: could you expound upon how the new relationsship between Fiera and Roycom will work (the creation of a new real estate investment managment company?

Invest in what manner: ?form a reit, dividend paying real estate corp, etc.

Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 09, 2012
Q: In this type of environment--where the market looks broken technically, and there is so much macro risk (Europe), does one just sit on their hands or begin to nibble? What market signals would you look for to begin to nibble? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on May 09, 2012
Q: When companies are over-distributing (pay-out ratios above 100%)where does the money come from(and how does it show up on the financial statements.

Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 09, 2012
Q: How is the business model of Fiera Capital sufficiently different from both IGM and CI to allow for profit growth, rather than contraction - which is being experienced by the latter two companies?

Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 08, 2012
Q: I have a question about Boston Pizza Royalties Fund
The payout ratio has been high in the past, but now it seems very high. Is this not a concern?
Read Answer Asked by Wilfred on May 08, 2012
Q: Do you have an opinion on MI Developments (MIM)? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Derek on May 08, 2012