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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter:

Thanks for your great work.

I have a question on a start up potash play - Karnalyte Resources - KRN-T.

Their reserve is just outside of Wynard, Saskatchewan & they plan to become the lowest cost producer in the world with new approach in technology. The IPO was in December 2010 at $8.60.

Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Read Answer Asked by Don on May 10, 2012
Q: Boston Pizza took a wicked plunge when earnings came out but recovered much of that the same day although it is still down slightly. Can you explain that and is it likely to pull back for a while . Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by William on May 10, 2012
Q: re: WIN - if one used the 10% stop-loss rule they'd be out of this one if purchased at %5.40 or less....investor sentiment is decidedly negative,seeming to give up on the "belief" in mananagment's ability to bring home the bacon...

How does a retail investor know the "truth" of the matter - should we hold on "faith" or let mr. market take us out of this one...

Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 10, 2012
Q: I would be considered a novice greenhorn investor. I did completet the CSC a number of years ago but have performed very little investing in the stock market. Being self employed for most of my life any available capital was invested in the business. I am preparing for when I will have available capital to invest and would like to know any books or web locations you might suggest that impressed you.

I thank you for your research and reports that are supplied with no conflict of interest, it is a clean reputable way of doing business. Some other former stock brokers etc. are supplying advice for a fee that appears to be clean of kick backs, trailer fees etc. would you comment on this new area of consulting advice for a fee.
Read Answer Asked by Albert on May 10, 2012
Q: Hi Peter. I was wondering what you think of Legacy Oil & Gas (LEG.TO). Lots of short sellers in this one. I know you used to run funds with the ability to go long and short. Putting on your "short seller's cap", what would be the argument for someone to short this stock because from my perspective it looks cheap with good growth and a CEO with past success in making investors money.

Read Answer Asked by Anthony on May 10, 2012
Q: Hello, can you please comment on where you guys & other PM's get their information from on covered companies? How would the DIY investor obtain this info to help in their own analysis? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Chris on May 10, 2012
Q: I really like the question segment. Thank you for sharing:)) I was intrigued by a subscribers question regarding RPI.UN on April 24th. I wonder if you have been able to follow up on that? Many thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Susan on May 10, 2012
Q: Will you cap the number of customers you offer your newsletter to?
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on May 10, 2012
Q: Hi Peter,

I like your opinion on TOL and STO both of which are in the oil and gas sector. I bought TOL a few months ago at around 3.70. Ever since it has been in a free fall. Is it time to sell and move on or should I keep holding on? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 10, 2012
Q: I have a question about phx energy services(PHX).I would like to know why it trades at such a low price ,the foward pe is 8.61 and the yield 7.5 percent, when it had a record fourth quarter raising the dividend 50 percent ,the first quarter was also very good.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 09, 2012
Q: What is your opinion on Capstone Mining [CS]? It appears to have found support at $2.50 and they reported a good first quarter with $500 million in cash and no debt.
Read Answer Asked by Don on May 09, 2012
Q: Hi Peter,

Consulting firm I-Runway did a report on Smartphone patent wars analysis on "4G-LTE technology", but they did not have Wi-Lan on their report or did not make the list. However, Wi-Lan claimed that they have over 500 patents on 4G/LTE. Can you please provide your comments. Report is on i-Runway website.
Read Answer Asked by Mohammed on May 09, 2012