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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In your view, is it a good time to add to Churchill (CUQ). I already have a small position and would like to hold for the long term. Thank you and happy holiday.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on December 19, 2012
Q: What do you think of coalspur (cpl) as purchase in the tax loss season?
Read Answer Asked by Frederick on December 18, 2012
Q: Galane Gold (GG)

What did you think of the 3rd quarter earnings? Additional thoughts on annual earnings and 2013?
Read Answer Asked by Frederick on December 18, 2012
Q: Hi Peter. Just renewed our membership. Thank you for the prompt advise. Think I asked this but didnt push submit button. In the question and answer section could the person asking the question or when the question is being answered put in the name of the company instead of the call letters? Thanks Ken
Read Answer Asked by Ken on December 18, 2012
Q: Hello 5i. Do you have any comments on the gold market and gold stocks that you could share. Why has the price of goldcorp come down so much. It went from about $33 dollars to $45 and now back down to under $36. What does this mean. Should I be buying some goldcorp stock at the current price or not? Any input to help me understand will be greatly appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Bashir on December 18, 2012
Q: I was wondering if you guys have an opinion on the recently listed Dundee International, DI.UN.
Thanks, Harry
Read Answer Asked by Harry on December 18, 2012
Q: I have held EXE for a number of years in a RESP account. Not factoring in Dividend payments I'm at about a 20% loss at the current price. Considering I have about 8 more years to run on the RESP what is your opinion on hanging on for a turnaround or the sustainability of the current Dividend? Any suggestion on an alternate investment?

Thank you for this excellent resource and all of your advice so far!
Read Answer Asked by Marty on December 18, 2012
Q: Peter,

Any change in opinion on NKO since the have overcome the debenture
overhang now and also as a potential buying opportunity after the end of tax loss?
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on December 18, 2012
Q: Would appreciate your thoughts on North American Palladium. Thank you in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Vince on December 18, 2012
Q: I know that you do not provide much advice on the Junior sector which I hope you expand in the future as I value all your advice. My question is on a Canadian IT Security company - Route 1. Thanks for any info you can provide. I like the product but not the amount of shares outstanding. Jim
Read Answer Asked by William on December 17, 2012
Q: Hi Peter and team. I have been thinking about your advices that increasing interest rate will have a negative influence on REITS. I also hold A&W, Boston Pizza and Enercare (aw.un. bpf.un and eci) for income. Would these also suffer if rates were to rise? Thanks John
Read Answer Asked by John on December 17, 2012
Q: Hi Peter & 5i: Is Bonavista (BPN) in a similar boat to Longview? Both of these stocks have been moving steadily lower. LNV's managment's recent guidance appeared to indicate that their 2013 budget, for maintaining their distributions and otherwise treading water, required somewhat higher nat gas and oil prices than present levels, as well as maintaining a reasonably favorable (i.e. small) discount from WTI pricing. They also indicated that they had no protective commodity hedging in place. I'm wondering how similar BNP's situation might be. I know that BNP is a gas-weighted producer and that they have about 40% of their distributions going into DRIPs. Is it possible for you to estimate what BNP would need as an average AECO gas price in order to continue paying at their current distribution level, make their debt maintenance payments, and fund their cap ex sufficiently to replace natural production declines, all from FFO? Also what price they would require if shareholders were to stop reinvesting their dividends? I realize that their are enough moving targets in these calculations that I can't hold you to the numbers but estimates would be appreciated in any event. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Lance on December 17, 2012