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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: SH-N With the US market having been on an upside ride for a while and at fairly lofty levels, does the risk/ reward ratio of using SH to short the market in order to protect myself against losing some of my gains seem like a reasonable trade? SH appears to be at about a 5 year low.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on January 23, 2013
Q: hello 5i:
I've read your answers to previous questions regarding Cameco and the uranium industry (lukewarm would be my description of your opinion), and am wondering if your opinion for the industry has changed at all from November. I note that Japan has said that they will continue their nuclear program, and that China is planning at least 4 new reactor sites. I also read that demand already exceeds supply. Can I have your take please? Are my sources questionable?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 23, 2013
Q: Hi team, over the last year I was having trouble finding individual stock to buy so I just slowly built up a fairly large position in XTR which is nearing 6% weighting in my portfolio. But quite frankly I have begun to enjoy the monthly income, so my question is in your opinion is the distribution sustainable, or should I sell a little off? I have it in my wife's RRSP and my kids RESP.
Read Answer Asked by Ray on January 23, 2013
Q: Hi everyone a few years back I took a position in Leisure world LW at about $10.00 in my TFSA. Some TV experts seem luke warm to this REIT, saying that making money in senior cars is tough. My view is that they are in a high demand area so I am still holding. Is the senior care sector a bad investment area, or should I just sit back and collect my 7% until I need to move into one of their facilities?
Read Answer Asked by Ray on January 23, 2013
Q: Hi again, I went into Game Host GH several years back at about $11.00 looking for a little dividend income, which they have consistently delivered. However today it broke through $13.00 and I am still holding. They have never missed a divided payment and their Casinos and hotels seem fine, so do I just sit back and collect or sell? I would be interested in your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Ray on January 23, 2013
Q: Hi Peter
I`m considering positions in CFN , MCB , and MTY at this time . Do you still consider these companys solid and worth investing in, in 2013 .
Read Answer Asked by Bill on January 23, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and Team,
Thanks for a great first year of interesting and profitable investment advice. I will be renewing soon and look forward to the coming year of 5i reports.
My question concerns what seems to me to be contradictory advice having to do with portfolio rebalancing.
My approach is both capital gains and growing income for retirement. I have 20 stocks in my portfolio with what I consider to be good names such as STN, TRP, ALA, ESL, SYZ, AYA, BCE, etc. To me, some of my holdings are just getting rolling. If I sell back to 5% every time there is a rise in the share price it seems as if I am eroding my possibilities of future price and income gains (especially given the good prospects of dividend increases).
In a recent answer you said that an investor should not sell a good stock just because it is up. How do you reconcile these two assertions? Thanks again for the excellent service and have a great 2013. Rob
Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 23, 2013
Q: Osisko Mining (OSK) is down over 6% today and hit a low of $7.06. I can't find out why? Do You have any clues and would you recommend it at this price?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on January 23, 2013
Q: I will soon retire. What do you recommend for my TFSA ($25500) for income? Keith
Read Answer Asked by Keith on January 23, 2013
Q: HI I see HLF is currently down about 8% today, could i get your opinion on it
Read Answer Asked by Bryon on January 23, 2013
Q: Pelangio (px) any comment. I would like to make a comment your answer to Paul about your rating system was so enlightening when you said the mistake most investors make is to sell a good company to take a profit. I have regrettably been guilty of that. I can mention two TRP and Cineplex is it to late to get back in.
Read Answer Asked by Leo on January 23, 2013
Q: Good day Peter. I am very happy to renew as your service and ability to review members questions has been very helpful in my retirement years.
I would like to expand into some U.S.stock picks. Are you aware of a similar service subscription in the U.S. you would recommend?

Read Answer Asked by Cyril on January 23, 2013
Q: Peter,

What do you think about WND after the revised offer? Including the project do you think it will be worth around $3.00?
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on January 23, 2013
Q: Can you give an update on MCP? The last one was in September. Is it a takeover target? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Jeremy on January 23, 2013