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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: CCT (catamaran) confirmed their 2013 guidance on their last recent report. There is,however, a major contract with HealthSpring (recently acquired by Cigna) that is a question mark. The contract is up at the end of the year and renewal (or not) hasn't been confirmed, although I have read that Cigna is expected to make a decision around June. CCT did not comment on this issue when reporting. In your experience, would CCT management have a good idea at this point as to which way Cigna were leaning ? Is it reasonable to assume that at this stage, because CCT seems to be comfortable confirming guidance without any qualifiers that the contract is likely to be renewed ? Also, at the moment, I hold CCT - is there any option strategy that would make sense to handle a future announcement - either renewal or non-renewal.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on May 21, 2013
Q: I would like to take a position in US banks. Would ZUB-T be a good play?
Read Answer Asked by Stewart on May 21, 2013
Q: Good Day.
Looking at taking a position with Essential Energy Services Ltd. Reported recently(decent, I thought).
What is your take?
Cheers - Chris
Read Answer Asked by Chris on May 21, 2013
Q: Hi, wondering about your thoughts on LAS.A the juice company. Thx.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 21, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

With the US-Russian HEU Agreement set to expire in 2013 and with Russia having no desire to renew it and the fact that HEU supplies 13% of world or 45% of US annual uranium needs along with the fact that the US consumes 55M pounds per year,
but only produces 4M pounds per year and China consumes 19M pounds per year, forecasted to grow to 73M by 2030, but only produces 3M pounds per year, what is your long term outlook on Uranium? and in particular Uranium Energy Corp, UEC. To me this seems like a contrarian play.
Read Answer Asked by Graham on May 21, 2013
Q: Hi Peter & Co.,

Curious for your comments on ORT (Orbite) recent announcement of new Board of Directors?

That seems to be a qualified list of 3 executives, no? Will this have any impact on finding the new sources of financing and their ability to execute in a timely manner, or will be it same old same old (delay delay delay)? I've lost a decent amount of money with this company over the past year, recently selling most of my position at $1.20 but still have a small stake.... thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Ray on May 21, 2013
Q: Peter, I try to ensure my investments are safe and I separate my GICs into 100K lots with as many different borrowers/banks as I can and in as many different combinations of entities as I can, using permutations of my immediate family members and myself to make sure that these investments are insured by the government of Canada. My question is, however, are my stocks safe. If for example Scotia McLeod goes under and they hold my certificates/shares are these shares safe and can I recover them?

Read Answer Asked by Neil on May 21, 2013
Q: Hi Peter,

What are your views about Boralex (BLX)? Seems like the CPS is very high. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 21, 2013
Q: Hi 5i, my question is regarding Eacom Timber (ETR-T).the recent offer by Kelso has been extended to about mid is my understanding that Kelso has deep pockets and a lot of experience with this type of purchase.after the initial offer by Kelso was made i sold half of my position at a very handsome profit. now my question is, what would you suggest i do with the other half ? should i sell now at a little less than the 38 cent offer and re invest or tender and get the full 38 cents. i guess the chances of a competing bid is slim to none ? thanx for your help, norm
Read Answer Asked by NORM on May 21, 2013
Q: Hello,

The last time you made a comment about Synovus Financial Corp, (SNV) was 6 months ago, I was wondering if you had any updated views?
Read Answer Asked by Sunita on May 21, 2013
Q: No question, just a comment: thank you for your invaluable service to the private investor. The quality of the information provided by 5iR is incredible. Also, as a long time Canadian MoneySaver subscriber, former publisher Dale Ennis made the right choice. Between 5iR and CMS there is so much to learn. Cheers, Mike
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 20, 2013
Q: Hello 5i,Could you comment on Armtec Infrastructure ARF as to the future of this company also do you think they will re-institute the dividend.Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 20, 2013
Q: Hi Peter. I have a 20% increase on BPO and am thinking of locking in the profits. Do you have an opinion after the sharp increase recently?
Read Answer Asked by Doug on May 20, 2013
Q: I recently held a MLP in my RIFF account, which I sold because there was a 39 percent withholding on the dividend payment, and no way to receive a credit for the foreign tax paid.. Would this also apply to the recently discussed RNF, which is a limited partnership? Do you know if there is any method of determining in advance if there will be tax withheld on dividends paid by a particular security?
Read Answer Asked by Gail on May 20, 2013