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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5I, can you give you comments on the last quarter of NTB, it took a mighty fall today...Thanks, great job!
Read Answer Asked by Alain on May 22, 2013
Q: Hi Peter, I want to let you know how much I enjoy your service and website.
First, you gave me great advice on how to get out of my mutuals (which were steadily losing in spite of being an income fund), and your site has lots of info on building a portfolio.
I have had my portfolio for about 8 months and it is fluctuating between 9-13% increase, in spite of my Wi-lan and gold stocks - so I am very pleased.
Read Answer Asked by Heather on May 22, 2013
Q: Hello Peter and Team, Is there a way to short JX tsx venture? Do you have any other idea's for shorts going forward in this market? Thanks so much
Read Answer Asked by Ian on May 22, 2013
Q: cnv.un-trading under nav is it a buy hold or sell
Read Answer Asked by neil on May 22, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

If you had cash now, what would be your best buys currently and why? no more than two or three companies necessary.
Read Answer Asked by Graham on May 22, 2013
Q: AGT - I've owned Alliance Grain Traders for over 1 year and it is still down >10%. The last earning result was good. Should I sell or hold on a bit longer. Thank you for your advance as always.

Read Answer Asked by Rita on May 22, 2013
Q: Hi Peter, Helicopter Ben Bernanke opened his mouth again today, and we got a sell off in the markets, including Gold. What was your take on what he had to say? I think he is just playing for time. Your thoughts are appreciated. Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Ilesh on May 22, 2013
Q: Hi What are your thoughts on RM? Is it time to sell or do you see an upside to it
Read Answer Asked by Ken on May 22, 2013
Q: Catamaran (CCT) exhibits weakness on up market. What is your recommendation, buy, sell or hold? Many thanks. Bill
Read Answer Asked by Bill on May 22, 2013
Q: Regarding Home Capital: If housing prices decline, presumably more people would qualify for mortgages, if they still have jobs. More people would have the required down payment for the cheaper houses. Or do company earnings come from the size of the mortgage versus the volume of mortgages? Also, I read/heard somewhere that HC does not lend in the condo market, only detached homes, and they require a significant down payment. I just can't see any reason for shorting HC, except that someone had "said their loans are sub-prime." Actually, their loans might be even more prime than those of banks? What am I missing here?
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on May 22, 2013
Q: I am wondering about future of Artek Explorations (RTK-T). I understand it is a promising growth stock. Could you tell me your opinion for the growth of this stock over the next 2 years?

Thank you.

Peter...I have followed you on BNN over the years and wish you well with your new endeavor. I know you will do well!
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on May 22, 2013
Q: Is the TD Mortgage fund)TDB621 a good place to park short term cash. Have been using Altamira NBC100 but hardly pays any interest. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Ernie on May 22, 2013
Q: I had a question re: selling a mutual fund and capital gains / losses resulting therefrom.

I own RBC Precious Metal Fund. In 2011 I received a T3 slip which required me to pay capital gains of aproximately $5,000 for such mutual fund.

I am now considering to sell my RBC Precious Metal Fund. If I sell mid year (May 2013), how will any cpaital losses on the mutual fund be claimed by me for the 2013 tax year. Will a T3 be issued for the 2013 tax year which evidences any cpaital losses to May 22, 2013 ?

Read Answer Asked by Thomas on May 22, 2013
Q: Hello Peter and Team

First off keep up the excellent work!

My question revolves around a RESP. We max out contributions each year and currently we have $2500 invested, another 2500 in cash with approx $1000.00 coming in from the Fed. Gvt.(grant program) The 2500 is in ZCN. We would like to look at an emerging market and or bio tech etf as a second holding what would you suggest and why? Additionally if there is another etf in another sector that you believe would be a good buy currently or in the next few months please let us know.

Once again much appreciated and have a great week!

Read Answer Asked by Phil on May 22, 2013
Q: Hi Peter, I was locked into several mutual funds in the early winter of 2008 and we all know what happened after that. I have pulled 10% each year since then and reinvested in "good companies". I am in the seventh year now and wonder if I should cash out all mutual funds 9 months early taking a 1.5% hit and reinvest in "good companies" over the summer given that the market and mutual funds are on a high? Many thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Martin on May 22, 2013
Q: When I was dealing with a broker at RBC I got buried in Denison and Palidan. I have since averaged down when they got under $1.00. I need .50 cents on Denison and $1.00 on Palidan to get out. There seems to be more talk about uranium lately re SPROTT.
Do you think there is hope for uranium in the next year?
Read Answer Asked by Darryl on May 22, 2013