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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter and Team,

Quick thoughts on BOFI Holdings, BOFI. its an internet bank only it seems.
Read Answer Asked by Graham on May 24, 2013
Q: Hi Peter,
I am curious about stocks that are listed in both Canada and the US. There is sometimes a differential (and I think above and beyond the exchange differential) and sometimes they are even moving in different directions. Could you please explain any advantages/disadvantages with Canadian vs US holdings of the same corporation? And which type of US stocks have withholding tax and is that tax withheld even if I hold the stocks in my RSP? Thanks so much for your help!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on May 24, 2013
Q: FTN - What do you think of these types of mutual fund corps? This year they started back up the dividends, think they are sustainable based on their assets?
Read Answer Asked by Zenon on May 24, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and team,
Wondering if a 5i criteria screen for U.S mid cap stocks using your Bloomberg terminal might provide members with short list of stocks worth investigating or perhaps some advice on how to perform such a scan with members software. Thoroughly enjoying my 5i membership.
Read Answer Asked by Roger on May 24, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

Quick thoughts on Fuel Systems Solutions, FSYS.
Read Answer Asked by Graham on May 24, 2013
Q: Tremendously helpful service,thank you. Any idea why the pressure on CHW. Thanks Stan
Read Answer Asked by stan on May 24, 2013
Hi there - any thoughts as a sustainable income stock?
Read Answer Asked by David on May 24, 2013
Q: Hello, I recently purchased a number of companies included in your modal portolio. For the most part they are doing very well.
However, Winpak has dropped approximately 10%. This performance is rather poor particularily when you compare it to it's competitor CCL. Is there anything that has happened to this company recently that I should be aware of and is it worth while holding longer to see if it bounces back?
Thank you very mush for your time and consideration.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on May 24, 2013
Q: First,I thank you at 5i for a great Canadian service.Do you have an idea for an U.S.ETF that covers forest products and home builders? I thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on May 24, 2013
Q: Last night on Market Call, John DeGoey picked CJP as one of his top picks. I'd appreciate your comments on that ETF. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Brenda on May 24, 2013
Q: Hi, do you think DR, medical facilities is a good buy? If you like the stock, Would you wait for a pullback? thanks very much. H
Read Answer Asked by Helen on May 24, 2013
Q: Hi Peter! Thanks a million for all you do for us, starting with the all ideas, with, with this site.
1. Are you aware of someone else, perhaps in US, doing this?
2. You tell us you don't own any of stocks analyzed. Then, could you offer a glimpse of what stocks you have?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Ray on May 24, 2013
Q: 1.BMY has had a meteoric rise, not least because of its new cancer drug. Time to take some (or all) profits?
2.More generally, US stocks look very attractive but the exchange rate is a huge discouragement.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 23, 2013
Q: why is uuu trading at 2.78 with a buyout at 2.86 ……. should i but shares and wait for a guarantee profit of 8 cents
Read Answer Asked by Bob on May 23, 2013
Q: Could you please explain buying flow through shares to reduce taxes when making withdrawals from a RIF? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Stuart on May 23, 2013
Q: What are your thoughts as to why Leon's Furniture (LNF) dropped 5% today?
Read Answer Asked by Vince on May 23, 2013
Q: hi 5i,

i have been buying UUU at 2.77. they are being bought out at 2.86. do you think there is any significant risk of the buyout not occurring? also, what happens on settlement day, do they mail a cheque to shareholders. also, will it be the full 2.86 per share, or do they skim off the top for a administration fee or something like that??
thx chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on May 23, 2013