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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, we would appreciate your comment on the recent news of CNJ. Is there any upside potential?
Read Answer Asked by victor on September 09, 2013
Q: Aug 8/13 Globe article of Peter Hodson re #stocks to own for diversification.

The answer given (15?) assumes the investor has sufficient capital to implement same, and if they don't when do they start

William O'Neil (Investors Business Daily (IBD) founder ) feels investors should start investing with as little as $500. using IBD principles and in that case 1 or 2 stocks would be adequate.

Just my thoughts on another excellent article.
Read Answer Asked by Russ on September 08, 2013
Q: WPT: Hi: What is your opinion currently on Westport - Buy Sell or Hold. I hold it in my RRSP account. Cheers
Read Answer Asked by VICKI on September 08, 2013
Q: I want to reduce the large overweight in energy in 1 cash acct. Currently, there are 7 stocks (almost 50%) in this folio - CPG, TRP,ALA,ARX,PKI,PPL & KEY. In dollars, they represent approx. 41.5% of current value. What recommendations would you suggest to substantially rebalance this acct. I might add that we have held all the above since 2009 & enjoyed large!! As always, thank you for your advice & direction.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on September 08, 2013
Q: I am a relative new member. First question asked. I hold Cenovus since oct 12 and am disappointed with the performance. With a high payout ratio and high P/E and low price, should I sell it if it continues to get back to my cost per share of $32+. Would HSE or Vermillion be a better oil play. Thank you for the service.
Read Answer Asked by Luke on September 08, 2013
Q: Would you be able to provide an opinion on BP (bp plc) and Transocean LTD (RIG) as growth and dividend stocks? Or are both too risky in the aftermath of the gulf disaster.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on September 08, 2013
Q: Would you rate CPD a buy, sell or hold? I am concerned about the recent volatility. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on September 08, 2013
Q: I hold five stocks in the income portion of my portfolio; AltaGas (ALA), Brookfield Infrastructure (BIP.UN), Chemtrade (CHE.UN), Dundee REIT (D.UN) and Inter Pipeline (IPL). I would like to consolidate this position into three holdings by selling two and investing the proceeds into the top three. How would you rank these stocks for total return over the next two years? Do I have to much concentration in oil and gas with AltaGas and Inter Pipeline?
Thank you for your advice and the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Paul C. on September 07, 2013
Q: Please comment on investments in shipping companies ( in particular DSX) and where you see the Baltic Index going short and medium term.

Thank You!
Read Answer Asked by Terry on September 07, 2013
Q: If you had to buy 5 stocks today that you couldn't sell for 5 years, what would those stocks be?

If a similar question has already been asked, feel free to reference that question/answer to me as opposed to creating a new response.

Thanks for the great service!
Read Answer Asked by Christopher on September 07, 2013
Q: Hello 5i Group
I am a new member to 5i and to investing although watching and reading for the last year and a half. I see your Model portfolio. Is this " model portfolio" updated annually? then tracked for 12 months? If I am looking at this list now as an " investment start date" how do I determine which ones on the list you are still recommending as " buy" positions?
I am looking for a combination of income and growth. Based on your reports that I have read I have recently bought small positions in AW.Un, BEP.UN and HR.Un
Thanks for your comment.
Read Answer Asked by Kathy on September 07, 2013
Q: I purchased Peabody BTU 2 years ago on favourable outlook for coal prior to the natural gas fracking bonanza.
What is your opinion on coal stock prices in the short and medium term?
Read Answer Asked by Terry on September 07, 2013
Q: Would you please give an updated view on CDV at these prices.
Read Answer Asked by Kathy on September 07, 2013
Q: Peter I own some UUU stock I know the company is being taken over I did not vote to sell my stock I felt that $2.86 was to low , I don't know the process what will happen to my shares .

Read Answer Asked by James on September 07, 2013
Q: Peter ,could you give your opinion CLQ is it a buy any back ground info . ???
Read Answer Asked by James on September 07, 2013