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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi,

New member here but have a question as to your thoughts with regards to total portfolio diversification. Obviously the stock picks and model portfolio on 5i is limited to CDN securities. What would you generally advise in terms of percentage weightings of CDN, USD, and international equities? I am quite "overweight" in the CDN security area and try to purchase USD & international security ETFs to offset this.. Curious what your thoughts here are. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by cary on September 09, 2013
Q: HI Team, I have built a small position in ZAR (Zargos Oil & Gas). I am thinking of increasing that position. Could you comment on whether this company is generating good cash flow and is the 6c a month Dividend sustainable? Thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Ilesh on September 09, 2013
Q: I would appreciate your revised view of Nordion (NDN) now that their most recent quarterly report has been released. You last commented on it July 15th with a 'wait and see'. Perhaps, the dividend will be re-instated. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by richard on September 09, 2013
Q: MDI - I have been riding TCK.B up and basic materials seem to be moving up. Would it be time to get into MDI.
Read Answer Asked by wendy on September 09, 2013
Q: Should IDV be held in RRSP, TFSA or non reg account?
Read Answer Asked by steve on September 09, 2013
Q: Hi Peter et al

I'm looking to add a little to my small cap I.T. exposure. I'm having trouble deciding between SYZ (which I know you recommend) and RedKnee (RKN). Redknee is a bit larger, SYZ pays a dividend. Both have performed very well over the last year. Your thoughts on which you may prefer would be most appreciated. Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Neil on September 09, 2013
Q: Peter,

Recently both NTB and APO were recommended highly on BNN. What do you think of these companies.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on September 09, 2013
Q: Hi 5i Staff,

I've recently read an article about Canadian mortgage investment corporations in Moneysense magazine and this was the first I've heard of the them.

What is your take on them and do you have 1 or 2 that would be recommended as part of the income portion of a portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Sarj on September 09, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

What are your thoughts on Arcam AB, AMAVF on the pink sheets. I dont think they trade in Canada. They are an additive manufacturing company. i am thinking about going in for the long term, but i would like to know if current prices make sense based on their financials and growth prospects.
Read Answer Asked by Graham on September 09, 2013
Q: if Roy can wait 30 days, he could earn 1.2% with a 1 year GIC redeemable after 30 days. Minimum purchase $10000. For information only,
Read Answer Asked by claude on September 09, 2013
Q: Can you please give me an update on PSD? Is it still a good buy?
Read Answer Asked by patricia on September 09, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

Thank you again for your unbiased service.

I have been very fortunate to have selected two growth & income investments that have stood the test of time. They are CMG-T and BAD-T (BAD at another all time high as I type this note). I have others as well, but these have been my best and most consistent long term holdings. I believe in the businesses, and they are in the Oil industry, which has very deep pockets (pay their bills) and which, I suspect will be here for a long time to come. Therefore, they are still long term holds for me.

My question is, if you were to pick three long term (+20 year) equities that provide both growth and income ? Take your time in answering, as the long time frame may cause you to ponder a bit longer.

Thanks again,
Read Answer Asked by Jim on September 09, 2013
Q: I have some cash sitting in my direct brokerage account in my RRSP and TFSA accounts and the bank doesn't pay me any interest on it. Is there anything that I could invest in and have access to the cash right away when I see an opportunity to invest in a stock? ie a no fee money market funds etc... any recommendations? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Roy on September 09, 2013