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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi
As I enjoy the ride with a couple of your winners I am wondering if BAD, SYZ and STN will raise dividends earlier to keep pace with their share price increases. Is BAD still an acquisition target?
ps I also subscribed to money sense with the 5i renewal discount and have not been able to get into it or receive a copy of the magazine. I am not sure if I needed to pay more to get a hard copy of the magazine? I real enjoy how easy it is to get on to 5i site from my computer or bb. I appreciate it if money sense could achieve the same level of access. Thank you for your excellent service. mike
Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 27, 2013
Q: What do you think of enterprise group E they are proposing a share consolidation. Do reverse splits work and what would be the reason for this. thanks
Read Answer Asked by don on May 27, 2013
Q: Peter; When holding an all ETF portfolio is it ok for weightings to be over the usual individual stock percentages, I.e. 5-6%? Thanks.Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on May 27, 2013
Q: BDT was chosen for my wife's RRSP due to its status as a "dividend aristocrat", but its performance lately has been less than stellar, and it now shows a small loss even with the "dripped" dividends. Would you suggest a switch to STN at this time? Her RRSP holds several stocks and ETF's with the following weightings:

BDT - 5.5%
CJR.B - 17%
CBO - 14.6%
CHB - 5.6%
CUD - 25.4%
CDZ - 32%

This portfolio was assembled with no input from 5i and we wish that we were members when it was.

Any advice re BDT and portfolio re-balancing would be most helpful.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on May 27, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

Since your quick comment in February with regards to Northern Tier Energy, NTI, do you have any additional comments?
Read Answer Asked by Graham on May 27, 2013
Thoughts on the value of Dell settlement and it's impact on other companies also infringing.
Read Answer Asked by Frederick on May 27, 2013
Q: Can you please give your thoughts about MEQ, which has not done much the last 3-4 months after some impressive gains. Should I keep given it pays no dividend? Always appreciate the forthright unbiased advice your service is providing. Bill.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on May 26, 2013
Q: Apologies for the vague question, but I am looking to invest in a stock for growth with a dividend. Could you suggest three of them? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 26, 2013
Q: Hi,

What is your opinion on stock picking vs ETF investing. How many ETF's should one hold in a portfolio of say $100k. What would your ETF recommendations be for such a portfolio as there are so many of them out there and it is difficult to choose one from the other.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 26, 2013
Q: Hello team - As you know, Badger Daylighting has done very well. It's value has become a larger percentage of my portfolio than what I had planned for. I am considering selling a portion and pay the capital gain. If the stock were to drop significantly for whatever reason, can one buy back the stock within 30 days? I'm assuming that a rule does not exist as the 30 day taxable loss rule. This is a taxable account.
Read Answer Asked by James on May 26, 2013
Q: Help! Isubscribed to The Moneysver when I renewed 5i Research,but cannot get into it. Keeps saying I am not a subscriber? Keith
Read Answer Asked by Keith on May 26, 2013
Q: Hello Peter and staff. Apologies if you already received this I tried to send it yesterday but my session timed out. Can you please comment on TRH.UN Triax Diversified High Yield Trust. I have held it since 2009 so I am up nicely. It has a 7.8% yield and is now 2.4% of my LIRA. I recognize some obvious risks being; High Yield, Fairly small and a thin trader. Should I continue to hold? Thanks again for your excellent advice.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on May 26, 2013