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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Would there be a difference in capital appreciation in a non-hedged U.S. ETF vs. the same ETF that is Can. dollar hedged, for example the S&P 500 hedged vs.non-hedged? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on May 28, 2013
Q: Re:Buying non-hedged or Can.dollar hedged U.S.ETF's. Would there be a difference in capital gains or losses?Thanks again for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on May 28, 2013
Q: What are your thought on Pethealth? Fairfax financial recently acquired another pet insurance company and i am assuming that is why we have seen the jump in PTZ.
Read Answer Asked by George on May 28, 2013
Q: Peter; Would holding both VTI-N and VFV-T be basically the same investment? Thanks. Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on May 28, 2013
Q: We have a position with cum. Do you think the slide in Rio Tinto's copper mine will have any affect on it?
Read Answer Asked by Carol on May 27, 2013
Q: In the event of bond bubble burst, how would you generally stucture a safe haven portfolio, and still get up to 4 percent yield?
Read Answer Asked by Kent on May 27, 2013
Q: Hello 5i. Do you have an opinion on Sandvine Corp (SVG)? Debt free and has shown good growth so far this year. Do you see more upside at this price? Thanks for the great work.!
Read Answer Asked by Dave on May 27, 2013
Q: Hi 5i Team,
Would you please recommend some oil & gas service
Thx a million,
Read Answer Asked by Henry on May 27, 2013
Q: Hi,
i am holding a fair amount of IBG.DB.A is there any danger that IBG could default on its debentures?
Read Answer Asked by Erwin on May 27, 2013
Q: MTG was mentioned on BNN today, can you please comment on it. thanks for this great service. vic
Read Answer Asked by Linda & Vic on May 27, 2013
Q: Hi
I was thinking of selling ABBV and BOCH and only hold 5% of each.

Then buy CDL.A, AVO, AYA and CUS for both growth and dividends for 2 of them.

If you have any ideas I would sure listen.


Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 27, 2013
Q: Hi Peter,
Could I have your opinion on CWA, Coast Wholesale Appliances, buy, hold or sell? Thanks,Max
Read Answer Asked by Max on May 27, 2013
Q: AAH up almost 5% today after a terrible first quarter. Any insight as to why ? Thanks so much, Nancy
Read Answer Asked by Nancy on May 27, 2013
Q: I have position in ZJG (BMO) should I add to it, to bring cost down to manageable cost.It is only 4% of my portfolio and I can wait another 2 years for a rebound. I would spend about $ 3900. I have read about what you say to buy in strength.Appreciate all your comments from you and your staff.Truly no conflicts wow, where can you get that in today's financial times.
Read Answer Asked by Guy on May 27, 2013
Q: I have some money to invest in the market, but everywhere I look the stocks have been up going up for so many months now that I'm worried about a pull back, perhaps even a significant one at this point in time.

5i, in your collective research, how likely is this going to happen over the next year or so?
Read Answer Asked by Eugene on May 27, 2013
Q: Hey Guys,
I am curious as to your opinion on whether EGL.UN is worth the buy. I got it pre IPO and sold it at a decent profit while enjoying the distributions. Now that it has taken a bath in price and still paying out, is it worth considering?

I am a huge fan of payments are there any other companies, or funds that I could consider?

Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by Zenon on May 27, 2013
Q: Good Day 5i. Some weeks ago after viewing your suggestion that a reasonable equity portfolio might consist of 20 stocks, each representing about 5% of the total, I set mine up in that way. SU was one of the stocks I already held and still do, but I am concerned that it will take a few years before it shows much gain. I am thinking of selling SU and replacing it in my portfolio with PEY. The current prices and yield for each of these are about the same, and I think the upside with PEY will occur much faster. What do you think, or are there better liquids rich gas options that PEY? Brian
Read Answer Asked by Brian on May 27, 2013
Q: Hi 5i team,
What is your outlook on the price of oil going forward to Dec. 2013? I own shares in su, cve, and wcp who are all rated buys ,with the share prices undervalued,except for wcp. Do you see the global economy picking up in the second half of this year?I am holding on for the long term and collecting dividends along the way. Wise strategy?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Jean on May 27, 2013