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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: agt - when the price to the farmers of the crops they package and sell goes down, is this positive for the earnings of AGT. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by wendy on September 26, 2013
Q: I am a new member and must say I really enjoy your site. My question is specifically on short positions on companies. Legacy (LEG) has 34 million shares short out of 157 million float or 21% shares shorted. Is this a high percentage for a company and should this be one of several factors to consider when making an investment decision? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by David on September 26, 2013
Q: Canacol Energy (CNE) reported yesterday. Will the 95 percent increase in reserves outweigh the technical production problems, re:stock price, for the time being.
Read Answer Asked by John on September 26, 2013
Q: Hi, I'm looking to add to my US position. I'm fairly well diversified in Canada but need to add a US consumer staple, a US utility, and a US consumer discretionary. What would be your thoughts on each of those? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on September 26, 2013
Q: Hello, do you believe Clearwater Seafoods (CLR) is worth considering as an investment? When last discussed on this forum your research indicated concern over the debt level. Thanks, Bill.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on September 25, 2013
Q: hi guys, thanku for all the good advice. i'am making money in canadian stocks and a few american stocks, but am anxious for american stocks to start moving. my question is what is your best guess on american stocks to start moving. thank dale.
Read Answer Asked by dale on September 25, 2013
Q: My question is about HRP (HRT Participacoes em Petroleo SATSXV/AlphaV:HRP). I bought this highly spec stock 1.50 and rode it down to its present low value. I've lost 90% of my value on $10,000.

Should I give up and sell? Little downside left tho. What are your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on September 25, 2013
Q: Hi Peter,
I bought CTY three years ago at $17.90. I certainly collected a nice dividend along the way but capital gains have been quite very modest. It trades at low valuation (P/E=10, ROE=20%) and is active in its share buyback (bought 1.5% of outstanding shares last quarter). Their Primacy acquisition seem to have worked out, and would hope that they make more tuck-in acquisitions instead of increasing their dividend further.

I know you are very high on MDA. To me, MDA looks like a larger version of CTY, with access to the US markets with their recent acquisition, which CTY does not. MDA has more growth but trades at higher multiple, at least on last 12-month basis.

With the recent spike in CTY shares from $18->20 and the pull-back in MDA from $85->80, would you consider a swap from CTY to MDA as a good move going forward, or would you be patient with CTY?

Read Answer Asked by Jennifer on September 25, 2013
Q: AlarmForce AF: X-President Matlin has filed an $11M wrongful dismissal suit. Would you still be a buyer at current prices?

AF - here is the link to the globe and mail article:

sounds messy.
Read Answer Asked by Douglas on September 25, 2013
Q: I would appreciate your opinion on the BMO Cdn Equity Protected Income Fund "FundSERV JHN993", and the First Asset U.S & Cda Life Income Fund "ULC.UN-T". thank you in advance for your input.
Read Answer Asked by Harold on September 25, 2013