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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter and staff
I am tempted to buy wilan now.
what are your thoughts.You think there is more upside then downside on this stock and do you see a take over of some kind and and what suggestive price?
Read Answer Asked by Josh on November 18, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and team: Are you in a position to comment on the iShares MSCI South Africa ETF that was mentioned in David Berman's glam article yesterday? I checked out its performance and looked at the main constituent companies and it looks OK to me (though I couldn't tell if "blood diamonds" were involved anywhere). Berman suggested it as a way of investing in Africa -though it is represented in other countries also. Thanks for any information you can provide.
Read Answer Asked by Roland on November 18, 2013
Q: Hi Peter,
What do you think of CYH to diversify my portfolio? 5% max

Read Answer Asked by Karl on November 18, 2013
Q: BXE had a bad week. I think you have it as a long term growth BUY. What about the shorter term. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by David on November 18, 2013
Q: Investment firms often charge 2% to manage a portfolio. This equates to a 20% fee on a portfolio that earns 10% (2%/10%) which equals a fee of 100% (2%/2%) of the net gain versus say an 8% benchmark which you can buy as an ETF. How do they get away with this and how do you negotiate lower rates? Thanks. Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on November 18, 2013
Q: Pl suggest ETF's for RESP with time horizon 7-8 years
Read Answer Asked by inderjit on November 18, 2013
Q: Hi Peter, what's the best strategy for a new subscriber (with cash) at this point in time ? buy your model portfolio or move in as your new recommendations come through ? Thank you, Paul
Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 18, 2013
Q: re. Enwave (ENW-V) vs Urthecast (UR-T)

Analysts on BNN have recommended both stocks in the past few weeks. I fully understand that both generate little, or no, revenue and that any investment would be purely speculative in nature. My question is which co. are you more favorably inclined towards and why?

Thanks for your efforts on behalf of myself and other retail investors.

Owen Neal
Drumheller, Alberta
Read Answer Asked by Owen on November 18, 2013
Q: I have searched through the archives before posing this question, and found you haven't commented on this one since last April. I am interested in finding out more salient information on Hudson's Bay Company in Canada (HBC on the TSX). With its merger with Saks -- and with Bonnie Brooks at the helm -- does this company have a chance of rising to the forefront of Canadian retail? Does it have any hope of developing into something like a Michael Kors?

It certainly doesn't seem to have floundered since its IPO last year, but instead continues to chug along slowly, with a very modest 1.9% dividend yield. Mind you, a dividend of any kind is a good start for an IPO, and so am wondering about things like cash flow, its debt ratio, and what kind of profits would be likely in this company?

I'm not "pulling the trigger yet" -- it's a company I've been watching for about 6 months -- so I would value your opinion on this company before I make a decision.

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on November 18, 2013
Q: What are your views on Ten peeks coffee. High div., and no debt..
Read Answer Asked by Tim on November 18, 2013
Q: Just started looking at setting up the suggested ETF portfolio in moneysaver magazine. What do you think about substituting IDV for FEZ? It has a higher morningstar rating and looks like very good long term performance? What is the difference for a person trying to set up this diversified ETF portfolia you suggest? thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by joanne on November 18, 2013
Q: Please explain what the pros and cons are of a company being a take out candidate. I know it worked out for PLB. Does it usually result in rapid share price gains?
Read Answer Asked by Brenda on November 17, 2013
Q: Contact seems to have some encouraging drilling results, do you still view them as a good speculative play?
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on November 17, 2013