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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: i am interested mostly in dividend paying stocks....with some for growth. I am able to put a substantial amount of money into the market right now. what stocks do you suggest I buy? should i wait for a pullback? Are you putting on a model portfolio for 2014? what prices are a good entry point... thank you linda
Read Answer Asked by Linda on January 13, 2014
Q: Do you think IBB, I shares Nasdaq biotech ETF is a good way to play the biotech sector as opposed to just picking an individual biotech stock?
Read Answer Asked by Morgan on January 13, 2014
Q: Can you offer some commentary about contract manufacturing companies that produce electronic circuit boards and other components? I am looking at companies like SMTC, SANM, ESYS, SPA and ELTK. Are there other Canadian companies (besides SMTC) worth looking at?
Read Answer Asked by David on January 13, 2014
Q: Hello 5i,
our largest position is PLB. If we hold until the settlement with Endo Pharmaceuticals is concluded, what can we expect to receive in cash and stock?
Would it be better to sell all or part now?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Heather on January 13, 2014
Q: My son, a 3rd year PHD student, has approximately $5,000 to open up a TFSA. He is planning to invest the money in 1 or 2 ETFs. Is it a good strategy? Alternatively, please recommend 1 or 2 stocks for his portfolio. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Rita on January 13, 2014
Q: Hello Peter and team,
Thank you for the excellent service you provide.
I have approximately $10,000 that will be used to open a non-registered account. I am looking for stocks that will pay a dividend that is both strong (~3% or more, to take advantage of dividend tax credit) and stable (stocks that I can buy-and-hold and add money as it becomes available). Based on the information I have gathered from this site, I am looking at buying BNS, KBL, BEP and IPL. Does this look like a good mix or would you recommend other stocks?
Thanks in advance, Rory
Read Answer Asked by Rory on January 12, 2014
Q: Having the health care contract terminated by the US Government is definitely bad optics for CGI Group, GIB.A, and I know this one contract is not a meaningful size for them, but how does this affect future govt contracts Canadian and US, which I believe are a significant portion of their annual revenue? Also unnamed sources say "that CGI has not been effective enough in fixing the problems with", so in view of their high profile of this issue over many weeks and inability to solve it, could this be a cockroach we see with many others we don't as yet? Thanks, J.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on January 12, 2014
Q: Peter,

With a weaker CAD, which companies do you think will benefit from rising USD and have Canadian based expenses?

Read Answer Asked by Zach on January 12, 2014
Q: With the Canadian dollar down what areas do you feel benefit-any specific canadian stocks for example.
Read Answer Asked by terrance on January 12, 2014
Q: Hello Peter and Associates, I plan to sell my shares on IMO, COS and GIM is there any particular price you would suggest before selling these. I plan to replace them with VET, Enbridge and CDZ as per your recommendations. Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Shyam on January 12, 2014
Read Answer Asked by LESLIE on January 12, 2014