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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I bought Ithica Energy (IAE)two years ago but it hasn't done much. It makes up 7% of my portfolio and I am worried about it's prospects going forward. Should I continue to hold it or would it be better to sell?
Read Answer Asked by Brigitte on February 18, 2014
Q: re: Aurora Spine Corp ASG - Venture... this company appears to be on the verge of making an impact on non-invasive spinal surgery. Management appears to be solid, they recently received FDA Approval on advanced technology, and have just hired Mike Keegan as VP of sales who is coming over from a competitor and has a very good track record. Can you please tell me what expectations you might have for this company in the coming years?

Read Answer Asked by Gord on February 18, 2014
Q: I own a 2.5% weighting inside an RSP of ZUB (CDN Hedged) and have enjoyed a 25% gain to date. I see BMO has introduced a New non CDN hedged ETF named ZBK covering the same equal weight US banks.

Would you recommend selling the ZUB to buy the new ZBK ETF?
I'm assuming for the next 12 months Canada will see a 90 cent dollar to the US.
Thanks in advance. Greg.
Read Answer Asked by Greg on February 18, 2014
Q: Hi Peter,
I wuld like to diversify my portfolio away from Canada and the US by adding a European ETF. The problem is there are not many choices in the Canadian market. I was looking at XEF (ishares not hedged) and ZDM( BMO hedged) but now I am considering the new EUR from First trust, which is a more pure play on the European market. Also, if recovery is starting in Europe it would seem to me that an Alpha ETF might have a superior gain over an index not to mention the pure play in Europe. What do you think of this new ETF and do you know if it is hedge or not and is that important when investing in Europe?
Thank you for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Maggie on February 18, 2014
Q: Just retired(66yrs old).Like income to complement my pensions.Risk tolerance is moderate.Like Etf & stock,which pay dividend with reasonable growth(eg etf like ZWB is on my rader).please advise some etf & stock. Going to set up Rsp,Tfsa & investment a/cs for my teenage daughter.She is conservative & want to invest in etf & stock which pay dividend.with decent growth.Please recommend. Thanks a lot,& good long weekend & family day
Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 18, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

Quick thoughts on Lancaster Colony Corp, LANC
Read Answer Asked by Graham on February 18, 2014
Q: Currently approximately 16% of my stock portfolio is in international stocks with the largest percentage being large banks (Santander, ING, JP Morgan, HSBC and Bank of America) at 28%. The remainder typically are large American and European companies (pharma, agriculture, metals, tech, industrials and telecommunications) . I recently sold some MacKenzie mutual funds. I am planning to take the proceeds and purchase Mawer Global Small Cap Mutual (MAW150) thinking that this will increase my international exposure to approximately 20% plus balance the weighting a bit more to smaller companies. I would appreciate your comments about my thinking and would like any advice for alternates. I very much value your thoughts. Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by ED on February 18, 2014
Q: Hello Peter!
I recently (2days ago) opened new portfolio total of 121K consisting of 66K in TFSA accts. and 55K in RRSP accts.
In TFSA I have: ACQ 13.6%, CSU 13.&5, AD 13.5%, BAD 13.6%
In RRSP I have: STN 11.4%, ESL 11.4%, RRX 11.5% DHX 11.3% .

What is your opinion about my portfolio choices & would you suggest any changes to it.
I also want to increase my # of holdings to 10 or 12 names.
Please suggest to me 4 extra names to my TFSA/RRSP portfolio.

Regards Andrew B.
Read Answer Asked by Andrzej on February 18, 2014
Q: BRLXF - Boralex... Renewable Power Source Company that could double their power production in the next few years. Have many new projects in the pipeline and are expected to offer a dividend fairly soon but that could be sidetracked by the project expansions. They appear to have very good cash flow and it looks like it is trading at about 6 times cash flow. Do I have that correct and what is your comment on the future value of this company?
Read Answer Asked by Gord on February 18, 2014
Q: Can you please comment on Amica Lifestyle (ACC). The stock has been under pressure and dropping.Can you see this turning around? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by michael on February 18, 2014
Q: Hello Peter! Could you let me know how or base on what site do you allocate name of sector for Canadian stocks.
I'm trying to use sectors from TSE and they do not match your descriptive names for example: TELUS, ROGERS by your description is "TELECOM" but TSE shows it as "COMMUNICATION SERVICES" ,
I want to use the same names of description of sectors as you are using, where and how do I find them.
Thanks Andrew B.
Read Answer Asked by Andrzej on February 18, 2014
Q: Hi

The CEO and director of ORT is leaving the company. Most probably pushed out.
Sounds like another positive step in a company that seemed to have so much potential 18 months ago.
How do you see this and does this change your opinion of ORT?

Read Answer Asked by Hersh on February 18, 2014
Q: Hi Peter,
Which gold and silver stocks would you recommend. Or do you prefer ETF.s? Also do you have a favorite junior miner? Thanks Clare
Read Answer Asked by clara on February 17, 2014
Q: Hi
Peter & Team,

Thoughts on Pain Therapeutics, PTIE
Read Answer Asked by Graham on February 17, 2014