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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Would you agree that all things being equal lack of diversification and realtors commissions means owning a REIT is a better way to play real estate than investing directly in rental properties? Bearing in mind the long term advantage of 5:1 mortgage leverage it seems that things are not equal and the advantage is currently with rental properties over a time horizon of twenty years or more .

Do you know any REITs in Canada or the US that employ the same kind of leverage? This would be especially useful when investing in the US market, as maintaning a property far away is highly stressful.
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on February 25, 2014
Q: Hi 5i,

Your thoughts on GPE (Great Prairie Energy Services)? Seems like a very cheap growth company with solid management and board. Your thoughts? Would you recommend this for an early stage, high risk / high reward stock?
Read Answer Asked by Sasha on February 24, 2014
Q: peter first thanks for the canacord recommendation nice call. I bought bse.un quite a while ago, I wonder if I can have your opinion on it. thanks bill
Read Answer Asked by William on February 24, 2014
Q: Good morning. Could you please provide your updated thoughts on Counsel CXS? I appreciate that the stock gained substantially in 2013, but it's down about 30% from its $3.00 high last October. I'm happy to continue to hold it if you think it might recover. Otherwise, take my loss and move on. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on February 24, 2014
Q: Interested in updated thoughts on PXX? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Andrea on February 24, 2014
Q: Could you suggest a consumer staples Can. ETF and a U.S. consumer staples etf hedged to the Can.$? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on February 24, 2014
Q: Hi, I am retired and own 5 reits amongst others. MRT.UN represents 2.48% of total portfolio.I can't understand the lack of coverage by investment professionals regarding MRT.UN. I think this reit should be regarded as a good investment for retirees looking for income and a bit of growth.
Your thoughts, please
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on February 24, 2014
Q: Will you please update your thought on NDN ? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by victor on February 24, 2014
Q: I have a relatively balanced portfolio of stocks with the major theme being growth plus divs and have another $100k to invest. What stocks would you recommend this extra money be put into?
Thanks you. Love the service.
Read Answer Asked by John on February 24, 2014
Q: Please give me your valued opinion on Crocotta Energy ( CTA), it interests me because they are coming into drilling season in a very desirable area, with a 100% success rate historically with drilling activity. Looking for a increase in probable reserves.

Thanks for the great service

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on February 24, 2014
Q: A comment only, to add to your excellent reply to Paul re stop losses. There is a lot more to them than most people realize, even more difficult than when to sell. And I have the scars to agree with 5i Research about them not using them. The only time I would consider them anymore is when I feel a stock is reaching the top from a technical standpoint or of my objective but I want to wait to see if it can stretch out a little more. Then I might set it fairly tightly and watch it closely.
Read Answer Asked by Fred on February 24, 2014
Q: Hi team,
Can you update your view on PTS in light of the recent MasterCard deal please?
Read Answer Asked by karl on February 24, 2014
Q: Hello Peter & Team,
Thank you for the interesting and gainful reading. I've been a member for a couple of months and now see a good year ahead.
TTH.TO released their Quarter Fiscal Feb. 12, what are your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Heather on February 24, 2014