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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Would you include BNS, HCG and BAD in your park and hold list? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by John on December 05, 2013
Q: Hi,
In a recent question/answer exchange you cautioned about short term growth for BEP.UN but considered it one of your favorites for a park and hold investment. Could you provide a list of perhaps 10 of your favorite park and hold investments? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dave on December 05, 2013
Q: hi;could you give me your opinion on nwh how stable would they be. thanks brian
Read Answer Asked by brian on December 05, 2013
Q: Morning ... I have 71K in my TFSA and am looking for monthly (tax free) income. I presently have 6 stocks AD,BPF,EIF,IPL,MG and SYZ. Are you comfortable with this positioning and strategy. Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on December 05, 2013
Q: Hi Guys,

I am looking for income. Dundee REIT (D.un) currently pays an 8.2% distribution. There may be no growth for awhile, but do you see the distribution going down over the next 5 years? I would be quite happy with an annualized 8% return over that time frame. I know you don't have a crystal ball, but can you give me an estimated percentage of the likelyhood of a rate reduction.

Read Answer Asked by John on December 05, 2013
Q: Just a note of Corby. They changed their name and symbol to CSW.a/CSW.b. Also, the B shares do not have coat tail provision from my research. folks should be aware of that.

Great service. thank you.
Read Answer Asked by william on December 05, 2013
Q: Hello Peter and team.
New member and first question. Are you able to provide an opinion on LGT.B. It's been rising parabolically since I started watching it this past summer.
Thanks, Paul
Read Answer Asked by P on December 05, 2013
Q: Peter ; RE PD sell off- AIMCO sold its entire position of 56 million shares. Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on December 05, 2013
Q: Any reason I shouldn't be adding to my Mosaic Capital position after this sell off? It's the largest position in my portfolio now and I'm planning to hold it for the long-term. Nothing seems to have changed within the business and long term prospects with the company. Appreciate all your advice and insight.
Read Answer Asked by Jay on December 05, 2013
Q: Hi team:
On Berman's call, he mentioned a BMO EFT called the tactical dividend ETF, relatively low risks in terms of dividends portfolio and is well diversified

The BMO tactical dividend ETF is fairly small in size (of assets under management); just started in Oct
I am looking for abit of diversification outside Canadian Banks
and Life co, for dividends and yield and some safety
Please let me know what you think, no hurry

Also, is it true that starting in Jan, each member is only allowed to ask so many questions a year ? I always keep my questions to one or 2 stocks per time, it would be frustrating to stack the questions, thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 05, 2013
Q: I would like to buy some gold stocks during the tax loss selling season. Are these good candidates (AR, BTO, G, and FNV) for long term holding? Please kindly give some suggestion. Thank you. Bill.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on December 05, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and 5iResearch Team,
What is your opinion of Horizon S&P/TSX60? Or, do you prefer another ETF for Cdn. large caps.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Linda on December 05, 2013

Read Answer Asked by Thomas on December 05, 2013
Q: Any thoughts on ide.un. Management team seems excellent
Read Answer Asked by John on December 05, 2013
Q: Dear 5i team,
What are you thoughts on the Canadian dollar, short term and long term?
Read Answer Asked by Arvind on December 05, 2013