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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This is more of a comment than a question. It would appear that some viewers would like you to be a a portfolio manager rather that an information source. Kudos for responding to those requests in the manner that you do.
Read Answer Asked by steve on December 08, 2013
Q: I still own some shares of Poseidon Concepts. I don't know if I can even sell them but is there any point to holding on to them?
thanks. Great service.
Read Answer Asked by John on December 08, 2013
Q: I have a question about Aastra Technologies what is going on with the price.
Read Answer Asked by Eric on December 08, 2013
Q: Could I get your thoughts on Kelso Technologies (KLS). I own a partial position and am thinking of bringing it to a full position. The story seems very good to me??
Read Answer Asked by Rudy on December 08, 2013
Q: You commented on GFS in August. Any further thoughts on this company?
Read Answer Asked by Lloyd on December 08, 2013
Q: Caledonia Mining Corp CAL:TSX
$0.78 CAD 0.01
Yield 6.41%, Annual dividend 0.05.
I looked at this today and it seeded to answer my needs. I have no gold, but was reluctant to buy because I am a divined junkie. This allows me to get paid until gold goes up??? SO ...
Do you know management or off them ?. Are they for real staring with a high dividend. ( as you see my source say 0.05 a year )
Do you think they can be a small answer to what I am looking for. SUSTAINED INCOME UNTIL THE COMMODETY GOES UP (IF IT DOES)THAKNS AS ALWAYS
Read Answer Asked by JOSEPH on December 08, 2013
Q: Halogen software seems to be melting down somewhat over the past few months. Is this a good entry point? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 08, 2013
Q: hello 5i:
please share your views on the Price/Sales ratio, and what that would look like for one of your A rated stocks versus a B or C. Or, would it be easier to give your guidelines for mature vs growth companies? 5-year ratios for this metric are easily obtained, and I've always TRIED (not successfully) to use Ben Grahams' <0.9. Very difficult to find nowadays; is that just because the market valuation is so much higher?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 08, 2013
Q: hello 5i:
re: RME.TO
I note that no questions have been asked since the September quarterly report. After the big miss the quarter previously, does the last earnings report make you more or less positive on the stock? It still appears to be trading far below the valuation it deserves imo. Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 08, 2013
Q: Hello Peter and team,
We took profits on TD bank and would like to reinvest that money in financial related companies. We were considering BNS, Davis and Henderson, Home Capital, Carfinco, or Equity Financial. I like BNS and my wife likes Davis and Henderson. Could you please give us your thoughts for a 2 year investment .
thanks for your great service
Read Answer Asked by john on December 08, 2013
Q: Good morning Peter :
On Nov 27th you suggested : "We would be comfortable with SLF in the mix, but would prefer it be substituted for something else (bonds or the others financials) to keep your exposure from becoming too big". We recently sold 1/3 of our gold miners and added BTE, BDT, CJR.B, CSW.A, PKI, and FTS to the mix, somewhat diluting our exposure to banks.

I currently have a "Pembina Pipeline Corp Conv Unsec Sub Debenture due 11/30/2020 5.750% MN 31" with a current market price of $123.00 [our ACB is $100] so there is a nice 23% unrealized capital gain.

Would selling this for no taxable gain [as I have current offsetting losses] and buying SLF with a current yield of 3.90% be reasonable at this time? I know the dividend is less but with the dividend tax credit and the hoped for growth of SLF over time [I have a 10+ year horizon] would this switch be the right thing to do? I gather that you prefer SLF [P/E 28] over GWO [P/E 16], or MLF [P/E 13.6]. Do you have any other suggestions?
Thank you, your comments are always immensely appreciated........ Paul
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 08, 2013
Q: Good Morning,

I am wondering is there a single location I can find out which Canadian Companies offer DRIP plans and what is the percentage discount offer. Also is there any other key facts I should be looking at when considering a drip plan also could you discuss the merits of a drip in or out of a tax free accounts. The TD securities rep did know where to look. Thank you again for the excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on December 08, 2013
Q: I was looking at aya, boyd and GC. Aya is in your model portfolio but the other 2 seem to have much smoother charts with gc having really taken off lately (perhaps too much?) Would GC be more steady as it has casinos in both Canada and the US? What are your thoughts on these three companies? Is aya in the portfolio because of the dividend?
Thanks for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Colin on December 08, 2013
Q: KLH- Stellar Biotechnologies.
I am considering purchasing some shares.
What is the long-term outlook for this company
Wolfe Mielke
Read Answer Asked by Wolfe on December 08, 2013
Q: Hi Guys. As a new member I have started to invest in your model portofolio ie sold UEB and bought CGX. I have about 600 shares of CPX which I bought at around $24.00 most of it is in RRSP and TFSA. Should I hold or sell and deploy the money to other stocks. I,m thinking buying GWO to protect against rise in rates. Also have about 4000 shares of BNS in investment account for income I,m not happy with the concentration but it has been good to me for the last number of years. Thanks for your advice. I,m really happy with you service .

Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 08, 2013
Q: I am thinking of selling the Canadian portion (15%) ETF (XIC) of my portfolio and replacing it with the 5i model portfolio, any thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on December 08, 2013
Q: With Avalon having a positive feasibility study and environmental assessment completed for the Nechalcho project would this be a good time to invest on the ground floor as the sector rises. It sounds as though they have the largest potential source of rare earth outside China. It also sounds as though China is going to need to start importing rare earths. Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by William on December 08, 2013
Q: What is your opinion MCAN Mortgage(MKP) nice dividend 8.7%, seems to be in the right spot along with Home cap. Equitable group etc. both of which are going gang busters but MKP stock is way off it high of a few years ago.
Read Answer Asked by Keith on December 06, 2013