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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Gotta say I’m confused,the reason Aqn dropped so much when it reported the cost to acquire Kentucky with rising interest rates was going to handcuff for future acquisitions and also had to cut their dividend,so when they announced they were not going to proceed I thought probably like others getting out of this deal would be a HUGE break and short term catalyst actually results in a further 5.2 % drop,what am I missing…thanks
Read Answer Asked by Greg on April 19, 2023
Q: I have some cash to deploy in various accounts. What do you suggest for income (divvy) in a cash account? to be held 3-5 years?
For capital gains to be held 2-3 years?
longterm (10-20 years) in a tax sheltered account?
Looking mostly for Canadian stocks but also a couple of US ones (but not for income)
Please take as many credits as fair. TIA
Read Answer Asked by Brenda on April 18, 2023
Q: Its pretty obvious that AI is going to be a big investment thesis this year and likely for a number of years. It looks like it will be very disruptive, which will create investment opportunities. With that will come hype and promotion of low quality companies that will get propped up in the wave of AI. Like crypto, NFT's, etc etc I think AI will probably be the next craze, and a lot of money will be made and lost. But so far the only recommendations I'm reading about are mega caps like Nvidia, Apple, GOOG which can do well but they aren't going to be multibaggers. Do you have any insight into smaller companies that may benefit most from this AI boom? Looking for game changing smaller companies that have the best chance at multibagger gains? Thx
Read Answer Asked by Adam on April 18, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
I have 3 different questions- please deduct accordingly.
1.) Since March 24 KEY (+12.46%) has outperformed each of ENB (+6.21%), TRP (+8.75) and PPL (+8.06%) by fairly substantial margins. I know that's a short time frame, but can you offer an explanation for KEY's better performance, and would you expect it to continue to lead the others over the next year?
2.) GSY is at or close to its lowest level since January 2021 - do you think the relevant company, sector and economy related bad news is now priced in and expect it to recover to the $150 range over 12 - 18 months, or do you think that's a pipe dream, and why or why not?
3.) In your opinion is ET likely to recover to at least the $14.00 level (where I bought it some time ago) this calendar year - and why or why not.

Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 18, 2023
Q: For this 10-stock all-equity TFSA portfolio (for 30-yr-old Albertan), which has 40% cash available to invest:
(a) which one or more of the 10 stocks would you suggest adding to?
(b) which new stock ideas do you feel would complement this portfolio (please suggest 5 or 6)?
NOTE: The philosophy is long-term buy & hold with minimal trading.
CURRENT HOLDINGS (weight in portfolio)
TD bank (13%)
Suncor (13%)
TC Energy (12%)
CPKC Rail (11%)
Amazon (10%)
Nutrien (10%)
Visa (9%)
Aritzia (9%)
Air Canada (8%)
Copper Mountain (6%)

Read Answer Asked by Ted on April 18, 2023
Q: Why is there this marked difference between WTI & WCS? Is it because western Canadian oil is land locked? Is it a squeeze caused by US refineries who know there is no alternative to them as a buyer at this time? Will this difference improve when the Canadian pipeline to British Columbia is finished? The difference now is about $16.00 but at times it can be $30.00.
Thanks Dave
Read Answer Asked by Dave on April 18, 2023
Q: I currently own ABBV. I am aware of the off-patent cliff for Humira. Earnings are expected to drop when they are announced at the end of this month. I'm not so sure their other two drugs - Rinvoq and Skyrizi - will be capable of picking up the slack. I had read a recent article, and it gave me the impression that Humira and its new biosimilar competitors have some active ingredient(s) that allows them to be used for patients using Rinvoq and Skyrizi (?) In other words, I'm wondering if the upside of Rinvoq and Skyrizi is limited. I think you like ABBV, but is there any concern longterm? The market doesn't appear to be pricing in the risks.

I've pared back some of my ABBV shares, and am considering selling the rest. Alternatively, how robust is Amgen's pipeline in comparison ? LLY looks historically expensive, and I already own JNJ.
Read Answer Asked by James on April 18, 2023