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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Wow a busy day with questions. I am writing for your assessment of badger's financial today. They appear to be great but management seems to have the most conservative comments in light of their result. l was disappointed not to see a dividend increase could that be staged for the end of the month to give the stock a second bump. Happy St. Patrick's Day Mike
Read Answer Asked by Mike on March 17, 2014
Q: Thank You for answering my early question but if you have a profit when selling your stocks and not a loss do you still have to wait the 30 day waiting period before buying back in.

Read Answer Asked by Paul on March 17, 2014
Q: Good Afternoon,

I was interested in knowing if when I sell all of my stock holdings in a company is there a 30 day waiting period before I can buy back into it.

Thank You
Paul Bohusz
Read Answer Asked by Paul on March 17, 2014
Q: Hello 5i,
I own two OTC stocks China based which are, Bank of China Ltd (BACHY) and China Mobile (CHL); they were bought for a long term hold and are down marginally. What do you think of the long term prospects?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on March 17, 2014
Q: I have ACM COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE FUND as a holding in my RRSP. This has been a steady performer for the past few years. With fears of rising interest rates, would a fund such as this be adversely affected by rising rates in the future and if so could you recommend a suitable replacement for ACM (an ETF or possibly a Mawer Fund)which would have about the same performance but not be affected by rising rates. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on March 17, 2014
Hi Peter and Team
I am a long term holder (from the Avenex meltdown) Do you think there is a chance management can work through the problems over a year or two OR is it time to move on?

Thanks Jim
Read Answer Asked by James on March 17, 2014
Q: I have set up two trust accounts for my teenage children. The intention is to buy a couple of dividend paying stocks with a drip, the idea being to set them on a path to financial literacy since I'm not convinced they will learn this at school. As they turn 18 I will transfer the proceeds into their first TFSA for them. I will research my own portfolio for ideas - PKI comes to mind - but would you have an stock recommendations that meet these criteria:

1) 5I approved
2) div of min 4%
3) with a DRIP

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on March 17, 2014
Q: INO.UN,Inovalis Real Estate Investment Trust, pays a distribution and holds properties in Europe. I would appeciate your comments on the company and if this would be a good indirect method to hedge the $CAN to the $EUR?
Read Answer Asked by James on March 17, 2014
Q: Hi Peter,
I hold Goldcorp (G), Franco-Nevada (FNV) and Argonaut (AR) for gold exposure but I am still underweight at ~3%. I was thinking of adding to my gold holdings. Which of these 3 companies would you suggest? Thanks a million for the fabulous service.
Read Answer Asked by jacques on March 17, 2014
Q: Hi Peter:
I bought some ATH on her way down
Now that the 1st Nation has withdrawn their objections and the
Alberta govt has approved the infusion of capital from Chinese company, would you see a better future and perhaps in the near future, possibility of a dividend?
The shares actually have done down abit, wonder if people are
taking profits ? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 17, 2014
Q: I note that TD Securities cut the target price for PRE to $21.00 after Q4 2013 results. What are your thoughts on 2013 results and the company's prospects going forward? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on March 17, 2014