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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter and 5I team,
Have you changed your opinion of the auto parts sector since the announcement of the South Korea deal? We know you like Linamar's fundamentals, as per your answer to the question on march 4th. Cannacord downgraded to hold and CIBC upgraded to outperform. We hold it in our TFSA with a great 48% gain. Is it time to take half off the table?
We value your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by john on March 19, 2014
Q: It has been over a year since you answered anything on PFB.Can you give me an update going forward.I have owned it for years.Thanks Don
Read Answer Asked by Don on March 19, 2014
Q: Hello Peter....I googled "hodson allocation risk" and this is interview that starts off with "I actually bought my first stock when I was 11, in Ottawa. It was Mitel Corp......"

Though others than tune in at 5iResearch might like to read it 2. It's at
..............Tom M
Read Answer Asked by Tom on March 19, 2014
Q: Peter,

How do you interpret the latest results from Gamehost (GH) They seem to be blaming the weather for less than stellar sales, a pretty common theme these days. Justified or an excuse?


Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on March 18, 2014
Q: Hello 5i team.
I am looking at either
VDY - 2.68% Yield - Management Fee - .30% MER - .34% or
XDV - 3.86% Yield - Management Fee - .50% MER - .55%.

XDV has the higher yield but it also has the higher fees. Does this make any difference. Take the higher yield & pay the higher fees or take the lower yield and lower fees. It looks like VDY outperformed XDV past year.
Read Answer Asked by Craig on March 18, 2014
Q: dhx do you think it is a good buy at this time? thank you
Read Answer Asked by Denis on March 18, 2014
Q: Peter and Team
I am looking for a junior copper stock, good balance sheet at a undervalued price. I know copper is out of favor...this would be a long term contrarian investment. What are your thoughts about CAPSTONE MINING? Does it pass the test or would you suggest others? Thank you for your excellent service...I was delighted with your recent subscription discount and was glad to sign up for another two years!
Dr. Ernest Rivait
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on March 18, 2014
Q: In my margin account I own four companies right now. They are SGY, DFN, WCP and CPG. All are eligible dividends except DFN. I dont want to sell DFN due to a capital gain. I am just wondering if you could give me five additional names that I could add over time for long term holds that have a good growing dividend that is considering an eligible dividend. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Jimmy on March 18, 2014
Q: I know you do not cover us stocks , however your opinion is valued.
I own GNW 5% of my portfolio, which has done fairly well over the last couple years. Where do you see GNW in the next 4 years. Is it worth holding or take profits and move on .

Thanks for your exceptional service.
Read Answer Asked by Raveendra on March 18, 2014
Q: I own 5000 shares of Dragon Wave (DWI). Do you see any upside in this company? I know they were in the high teens at one point. Will they ever recover or be bought out. They seem to have good technology but lots of debt.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on March 18, 2014
Q: Could I get you opinion on GGT.un (Goodman Gold Trust) it holds a wide variety of gold (mainly) stocks. They trade in and out of the stocks (must be doing it successfully as they recently paid a
17 % dividend). The stock trades well below it's NAV.
While I'm looking at Ned Goodman (Dundee) stocks why does DC.A trade at less than 1/2 NAV and is it a buy at this level.
Read Answer Asked by Doug on March 18, 2014
Q: Hi all,
I'm trying to understand what I conceive as price discrepancy between the atlantic power preferred shares and their convertible debentures. AZP.PR.B is a rate reset presently yielding 12.5% (17.5% after tax consideration) and the longest term (2019) debentures (atp.db.d) yields 13.92% to maturity. Is the 3.6% spread simply due to the added duration (preferreds could be reset indefinitely in theory) and the fact that they are lower down on the balance sheet. Or, is that fact these preferreds were originally issued by Epcor, and are really a held in subsidiary of Atlantic Power corporation. How would this effect the preferred shares in the event of a default.
Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Emile on March 18, 2014
Q: Earlier today you stated that the payout for nwh.un is 92%. I use the Globe and mail watchlist and it says the "dividend payout ratio" is 41.56%. Can you shed some light on the huge discrepancy?
Read Answer Asked by Don on March 18, 2014
Q: Hi 5i,

Could i get your updated views on RDM (RC-V)?
Read Answer Asked by Sasha on March 18, 2014
Q: Hi Peter,
NWH.UN is paying over 8% yield and has lagged the recovery on REITs. Looking at the NAV which is close to $12 per share, at what point is this a clear buy?
Read Answer Asked by DAVID on March 18, 2014