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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Thanks so much for your great service and all the best for 2014 as you gain momentum which is the theme of my question. I have noticed that you often mention your appreciation for 'momentum' and I wonder how one identifies this quality in a timely way. For example, I missed out on BAD since I was waiting for a pullback that never came, and I have some Y and Y.WT arising from a bad investment in a preferred of the old Yellow Pages, and these have had tremendous momentum recently (8.66 on May1 to 21 now). Again, I didn't add to my meagre holdings, but it would have been wise to do so, in retrospect. In short, I wonder if there are ideas on how to assess this fairly common phenomenon of watching a stock continue to rise, knowing, of course, that it will end sometime. Perhaps the short answer is that i should ask you as soon as I notice such movement! But I wonder if you have particular guidelines that you follow is assessing whether it is 'a bit late' to join the party, or not too late. Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Lynn on January 07, 2014
Q: Hi 5i - thanks for everything in 2013, success to you and all members in 2014.
Sorry if this is repetitive - maybe need more links for these categories - What are ur best 5 stock picks for growth and 5 best for dividend in 2014.
Read Answer Asked by George on January 07, 2014
Q: Hi 5i,

Your thoughts on ALX. I know you commented back in early December, but wonder if you think it's worth a punt at the current share price. Sounds like you agree that management is impressive. My question is - would you give them the benefit of the doubt at the current share price? Would you wait for a pull back?
Read Answer Asked by Sasha on January 07, 2014
Q: Hi 5I Team, I would like your opinion on adding FEZ and EEM (5% each) to my RRIF portfolio. Are they a good at this time? Would you recommend others besides these two. I already own EWH, IDV, XLI and XLF. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Karl on January 07, 2014
Q: Hi 5i research team. Just wondering about your opinion on PDL, north American Palladium. Stock has moved up nicely since latest drilling results. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rudy on January 07, 2014
Q: Hi Peter & Team,

Happy New Year. What are your thoughts on FitLife Brands, FTLF. Know its high risk due to size, but thoughts on value and growth potential.
Read Answer Asked by Graham on January 07, 2014
Q: I am considering adding either VCE or VCN to our TSFA account for 2014. Which would you recommend and would you invest now or wait for a further pull back?
Thanks Guys.

Read Answer Asked by Warren on January 07, 2014
Q: I would appreciate your take on Pinetree Capital (PNP)

I think they used to be (perhaps still are) into financing junior resource
Read Answer Asked by Behrouz on January 07, 2014
Q: Could I please have your opinion on Com Dev. It was down sharply today.
Read Answer Asked by Susan on January 07, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and 5i Team,I know that you like companies that start a dividend policy. AXX (Axia Net Media) is starting a dividend at the end of January. Can you please give me your additional comments wrt AXX

Read Answer Asked by Darcy on January 07, 2014
Q: Axia was expected to initiate a special dividend due to the excess cash on the balance sheet associated with the sale of some non-core assets, instead the company has initiated a "small" quarterly dividend and they have renewed their share buy back in December. You've previously said you view the initiation of a dividend as very positive. I believe they are trying to signal their long term intentions to the market and based on their cash position and their projected income levels they have ample room to grow the dividend over time. What are you thoughts about this move by Axia? Do you think this is the right move as opposed to initiating a special dividend? Are they being too conservative with returning capital?

Read Answer Asked by Rob on January 07, 2014
Q: Happy New Year, 5 I Team. I am thinking of investing in two of the following three stocks in my TFSA account this year. Would you please give me your opinion on which two would be the best choice: CHR,B Chorus Aviation, DHX, DHX Media and HWO, High Arctic Energy Service. Thanks, Lesley
Read Answer Asked by Lesley on January 07, 2014
Q: RMCF: Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory looks interesting. Any comments please?
Read Answer Asked by David on January 06, 2014
Q: Happy New Year to all.
I am down about 25% on Forent Energy. I bot in for
a speculative play, but it hasn't provided much excitement.
Can you provide any insight into management and their plans?

Read Answer Asked by gordon on January 06, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Co, and a very prosperous New Year to all,

Would you give me your opinion on XTR, the ishares Diversified Income ETF? I've held this for a while in RRSPs and wonder if it is a good choice for the income part. If not, please make some alternative suggestions.
Many thanks
Read Answer Asked by Gail on January 06, 2014
Q: Happy New Year to all at 5I. I have been watching DHX for a good buying opportunity (it is down 3.6% today). Would this be it, or is it a reason to wait and see what may be behind the drop?

Read Answer Asked by Harry on January 06, 2014