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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter I'm starting an RSP portfolio and was debating over BAM.A and BEP.UN one that you like. Is one more favourable over the other and if so why and which would you prefer in an RSP portfolio for growth and dividends. Thanks, Nick
Read Answer Asked by Nick on January 06, 2014
Q: Hi and happy new year. I am a new member and love your service. Just renewed at the discount rate even though I have only been a member for 3 months. I am impressed with your dedication, I recently asked a question at 6:30 AM and you gave a great answer by 7 am. The Early bird gets the worm. Now to the question: The Vanguard corporate bond ETF "VSC". What do you think. Seems like a small fund but mer is only about .18 per cent.I need to rebalance my stocks which have done very well in the past 4 years and buy some bonds. Corporates still seem the only way to go at this point.
Read Answer Asked by MANFRED on January 06, 2014
Q: Hello,

I have a portion of my savings sitting in savings accounts at Ing direct, would you suggest leaving it there or are there better alternatives which give better returns. Is it always better to have some cash liquidity or can I use my line of credit to replace that? Thanks very much. Shyam
Read Answer Asked by Shyam on January 06, 2014
Q: Happy New Year. I hope it's a good one for everybody. I'm looking for companies with preferred stock with good dividends.
I already have SLF.PR.D and would like some diversity. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on January 06, 2014
Q: You recommend if allocating a large amount to the 5i model portfolio to do it over time, if its 4 separate purchases of all 20 stock the trading fee would be $800.00 over time at $9.99 per trade instead of $200 one time only. Do you consider this larger amount worth it for dollar cost averaging and is it really worth it over only 4 weeks. Maybe you have another rationale.
Would you suggest parking cash until March when the portfolio is reviewed or if jumping in now is acceptable?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 06, 2014
Q: In one of the FAQs today (asked by Cam) he mentioned "I posted this on comments, but then realized you likely don't comment on comments." What are these comments? Where are they on the site? Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on January 06, 2014
Q: Hi Peter!

If you we're putting together the Model Portfolio today what changes would you consider making to the list? I am looking to use the portfolio myself for a portion of my portfolio however several stocks have had significant gains.

Ian Johnson
Read Answer Asked by Ian on January 06, 2014
Q: Hi Peter: Could you let me know what percentage of a portfolio should be allocated to each market sector - I am using the 10 TSX sectors. Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Roland on January 06, 2014
Q: Hi 5i
Do you think that PHX Energy Services would be a relatively safe energy play given that we would be looking for a 10 - 15% return on our investment.
Read Answer Asked by Linda on January 06, 2014
Q: there seems to be a movement across rare earth miners

1. do you think the worst is over?

2. any favorites?

3. what do yiou think of the US-listed ETF REMX?
Read Answer Asked by Behrouz on January 06, 2014
Q: GWR - Would you have any further information on GWR than a year ago? It is thinly traded but there seems to be some demand/interest lately. I own a small amount and would like your opinion as to holding on to see how this plays out as their year end nears. I concur and join with the many accolades sent to you.
Many Thanks, Gayle
Read Answer Asked by Gayle on January 06, 2014
Q: could you please give your take on phn total return bond fund i am down 4% and it is app. 5% of portfolio held in tfsa.i am considering adding this years contribution to it but also wondering a better allternative. your gratefully Larry
Read Answer Asked by Larry on January 06, 2014
Q: Hi

Could you provide some insight on the Central Fund of Canada as a possible vehicle for exposure to gold and silver bullion. In particular, can you elaborate on the fees associated with this fund.

Read Answer Asked by Greg on January 06, 2014
Q: What is your opinion of solarcity symbol scty and sunpower symbol spwr. Is there something else you would like in the solar space besides these two.dave
Read Answer Asked by david on January 06, 2014
Q: I was under the impression that the price of convertible debentures followed that of their common stocks but in reviewing a number of convertible debentures that will mature by the end of 2014, I find that is not always the case. For example, EIF.DB.A, PKI.DB, NPI.DB, and IBG.DB all followed their common stock prices very closely (down); ATP.DB and CHR.DB held their values well while their common stock prices plunged; while PGF.DB.A and AFN.DB remained flat or fell gradually while their common stocks soared. What are the factors that impact this apparently irregular behaviour? I look forward, as always, to your reply. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by richard on January 06, 2014
Q: Happy New Year 5I team. Dec 20 you answered a question indicating that TRN was your preferred stock in the sector. About 5% of my portfolio is in CSX as part of a 25% diversified US investment. NSC, a more recent purchase, makes up 3%. Would it make sense at this time to take my profit(about 25%)on CSX and reinvest the funds in TRN?
Read Answer Asked by Harvey on January 06, 2014