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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello, folks,
I currently own Magna but, considering recent events/performance and murkier outlook, am exploring possibly making a switch. I am looking at CTC.A, LNF, and QSR. Please indicate order of preference for a 5-year hold and short explanation of rationale.
I'd be open to suggestions of other stocks in the Consumer Cyclical space with >3% dividend if you think there are better options.
Thanks in advance,
Read Answer Asked by Rory on April 25, 2023
Q: So after listening to Josh Brown interview Ric Edelman this ETF was discussed and seems timely. Would appreciate your views on Mr Edelman who sounds plugged in to what the future may deliver (he does however predict the downfall of Alphabet which isn't the base case of many - you included). That aside wondering about this ETF and your current opinion on whether it's buyable. Given the possibilities of AI, robotics, potential developments in medical science and treatment - all things that may fascinate but about which many of us have very limited understanding or vision about - might you characterize this holding in an appropriate portion as a smart piece of an overall portfolio that provides investors with exposure to future areas of potentially exponential growth - and perhaps your take on this ETF vs the ARK ETFs re valuation, risk and holdings comparisons - appreciate your viewpoint.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on April 25, 2023
Q: could you give us your case for PERI,as you seem to like it.
Why is PERI so much more compelling then for example APPS or AT?
Wouldn't you think advertising budgets decline in times of a recession?
It might be apples to oranges,but if having only one choice between INMD,AXON and PERI,which one would you pick?
Read Answer Asked by Josh on April 25, 2023
Q: Can you verify the return of capital for HDIF.Not sure how I found a chart on it but if I am right it showed 87% ROC for 2022.Surely I am wrong . Also A new issue Is HRIF without leverage. Can you explain this? And also I currently hold some CIG686 for monthly income . Would you comment on a switch to either or or suggest something with less ROC .Please and thanks and use all questions to cover.Larry
Read Answer Asked by Larry on April 25, 2023
Q: I have recently come into some US cash. I would like to put some of it into a US TFSA account but am not sure if this would be prudent as, the US doesn't recognize the TFSA in the same manner as our RRSPs. If this is a good idea, what types of equities should be put into it: any type of US equity or Canadian stocks that pay dividends in USD?

As always, Thank you in advance for your advice
Read Answer Asked by Sean on April 25, 2023
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

I currently do own small amounts of each of the companies above except for EQB.

Do you feel strong enough about EQB to replace any of the other 3 companies if taxes or trading fees are not an issue or just advise to ride it out

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on April 25, 2023
Q: Hello,
Could you please recommend five to six high yielding Canadian stocks and REITS that you would feel confident investing in right now? Safety and high yield is my goal. A brief explanation/justificaton for your picks would be greatly appreciated.

Read Answer Asked by Carlo on April 25, 2023
Q: I purchased Tamarak(TVE) based on many recommendations, as well as yours
- Many people and firms continue to like and recommend this name...

- CFRA has a Hold, with a Negative Growth Rating...

- Price , Chart/Trend have Not been doing well...

- There is a nibble of insider buying

1. Would you suggest Hold, Buy more or Sell for another...

2. Why does it seem like negative trading sentiment these days and poor current stock performance, when overall the stock is liked and recommended by many...?

3. Paramount Resources(POU) - I have heard a few Positive recommendations on this company... I think Leon Cooperman had good things to say as well...
- CFRA has a Hold, but gives a Positive Growth Rating

4. Would you recommend staying with TVE or consider POU...? Or Others..?

Read Answer Asked by michael on April 24, 2023
Q: Hi, i have recently become more impressed by the performance by my micro/small caps in my portfolio (above). In that vein, could you suggest a few more that have decent balance sheets, dividends, and momentum ?

thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Nick on April 24, 2023
Q: can you explain the differences between LMN and TOI does each company provide the same products but serve different markets also please confirm the degree of ownership by CSU. thanks Richard
Read Answer Asked by richard on April 24, 2023
Q: Confused about collecting US companies dividends in my RRSP
Read Answer Asked by MANFRED on April 24, 2023
Q: Energy is a small portion of my overall portfolio. TVE is one of my larger holdings but it has lagged other energy names in the past few months. Do you still like TVE and should I be adding to bring my average cost down.

What are your three favourite Canadian Energy Names in current market?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on April 24, 2023