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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Happy New year to all. First, I must tell you this the best investment concept I have ever seen. Your integrity and focus on the individual investor is so far advanced the rest are going backward. There is no agenda and we, the investors, just sit back and get, or see through other investor questions and your answers, the most honest advice possible. The price of admission was paid on my first transaction. Thank you so much for doing what you do.
My question; I bought Chartwell at +7 something get a great dividend return, have a nice profit but like all REIT'S do you think there is a growth story here or are we now spinning the wheels.
Again, thanks for all you do. Chartwell is 6.2% of my Portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Norman on January 08, 2014
Q: Having heard Christine Poole today not being too keen on the auto parts industry, how does this fit in with xtc? I have made
a little in it and wonder if I should sell and get into something else for now. They will be having their AGM on Jan. 29. Any thoughts on this? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Charles on January 08, 2014
Q: hello i had a chance to talk with a young fellow home for the holidays he is doing the drilling thing in red deer he told me coil drilling is the hot ticket out there i did a quick search and came up with XDC are they the best pick in this area thanks for your hard work i look forward to reading your responce to questions every day
Read Answer Asked by dave on January 08, 2014
Q: Re: SYZ
Long time (close to original?) subscriber, just renewed for two more years. Thank you for providing the subscriber discount - it again shows your ethics and the fairness with which you treat your subscribers (which is in addition to the great info you provide).
Anyway, enough of the accolades.
Sylogist (a member of your portfolio) has been pretty much sideways since August. Technically, (sorry, I'm a bit of a chartist - I know you aren't) it has fallen below its 20 and 50 day moving averages and is showing significant negative divergences on both MACD and RSI. (Not good technical signs). While I appreciate you may be "comfortable" with the stock here, my question is what do you see as being necessary to move this stock upward and what might be the chances of that happening.
Though I ask very few questions, I really appreciate your responses.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Neil on January 08, 2014
Q: Good Morning Peter and Team,
I purchased Genivar (GNV-T) now called WSP Global (WSP-T) back when the shares got whacked after the purchase of WSP. The share price has run up nicely since then and I am considering switching to Stantec since STN has recently pulled back a bit. When I look at both companies, side by side, Stantec looks to be the better run business based upon profitability, share dilution, balance sheet, etc. Also the dividend that WSP pays out forces them to issue shares and borrow in order to grow. Stantec looks to be run by a far more disciplined management. I would appreciate your opinion of the switch. Thank you. DL
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on January 08, 2014
Q: Good evening,
I am wondering whether you could recommend an ETF(s) that focuses upon emerging market economies smaller than the BRIC countries such as MIST or TIMPs. Speculative risk is not an issue. Thank you for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 08, 2014
Q: Hi Peter

Yesterday Bankers Petroleum BNK updated of their Q4 guideance. The market seemed to like it. I have a half position in this name. Could you give me your thoughts on this company please.
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on January 08, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Crew,

I am a totally pleased member and have just early-extended my member ship for another 2 years. I am also a low-volume question submitter and gleen my information from the questions of others and the model portfolio and reports.

My question is a general one. 5I has made excellent recommendations (companies, funds) and strategies (inaugural and then increasing dividends) and provided great supporting information ... in a Bull market. I think I can express the feelings of many of us that the results have been very good and that we might be feeling a bit bullet-proof.

This bull will end - they all do. Might be gradual, might be abrupt.

Can you offer any insight, at this time, as to how you might change recommendations, approaches and/or the model portfolio as we enter and pass through a bear market.

Thanks again for your great service.

Read Answer Asked by Jim on January 08, 2014
Q: I am overweight Utilities/Income stocks. Would you please rank my equities for overall return over the next 2-3 years: Brookfield infrastructure (BIP.UN), Chemtrade (CHE.UN), Inter Pipline (IPL.UN) and K-Bro Linen (KBL). Is the suggested waiting for this category is 5%? Thank you for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Paul C. on January 08, 2014
Q: BXE seemed to have a good report today...any additional thoughts? Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on January 08, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and 5iResearch Team,
Can you please provide your opinion regarding BP PLC, BP-N. Is it a good time to buy this stock?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Linda on January 08, 2014
Q: The Financial sector has taken quite a hit over the last few weeks. Any thoughts or reasons for this. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on January 08, 2014
Q: Hi Peter,

It has been close to a year since your last comments on PLS. I was wondering if their latest business update indicating strong deliveries of late and the development of the port of long beach facilities moving ahead have given you reason to change your outlook for Polaris at all? This news seams to have moved the stock up significantly over the last two days.

Read Answer Asked by John on January 07, 2014