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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Peter and Team,

I have been continuing to work towards diversification and emulating the 5i philosophy. I am thinking I could use another techology-type/growth type name. I currently have approximately a 4.0% position in Amaya Gaming AYA and have been thinking about adding to it.

However, I've also been looking at Constellation Software and read the report (am I correct that the last report was Oct. 2012?) and like it but am curious if I want to put new money to work in this name with the incredible performance its had. I was thinking of a 5.0% weighting. If not in this name, would I be better off in something like DHX Media?

Your thoughts are appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Marc on January 09, 2014
Q: DHX is down this morning on news of a couple of resignations from the Board.... in particular two of the individuals involved in the recent equity sale. I purchased this stock for my wife's TFSA partly on your recommendation. Any reason to worry?
Read Answer Asked by Paul W on January 09, 2014
Q: Peter:

Caldwell Partners TSX:CWL reported fiscal 2014 Q1 results this evening with revenue growth of 39% and EPS of $0.023. They indicate strong growth in their USA operations. Is it buy at current trading levels for microcap investors? It also yields a 7% dividend.
Read Answer Asked by Charles on January 09, 2014
Q: Hello 5i Team,
I keep hearing recommendations on the sell of Vodaphone (BNN, TD) due to valuation. I am willing to sell out of my position for JNJ and PG as my portfolio structure could use these additions, are there some better choices?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on January 09, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and 5iResearch Team,
Is there any tax issue or other negative factor which should be considered with holding US dividend paying stocks in a TFSA. Thank you. Linda
Read Answer Asked by Linda on January 09, 2014
Q: From research on it seems former CEO Michaluk and CFO MacKenzie of Poseidon are laying low in the business world due to a Class Action lawsuit commenced by investors in NY in Feb 2013, and if I were ever a shareholder I would join it for the cost of a postage stamp. Often you'll get a small cheque out of the blue and long after.

My final question on PSN: Beyond the obvious such as don't get overweight on small caps and sometimes you will have things blow up in your portfolio, what, if anything, can a small investor learn from this debacle? Thanks, J.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on January 09, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and others...Wondering about your opinion on Quinsam Capital taking a stake in Enterprise...E Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Debbie on January 09, 2014
Q: Hi Peter: Happy New Year. I held CEO since late 2009 in my RRSP as it had a nice growth profile and dividend. It's not going anywhere last 2-3 years. I wonder if I should continue to hold or replace it with, say,SU or another one in this sector?
Read Answer Asked by Ford on January 09, 2014
Q: Has your opinion of CVE changed at all I the past few months? I have owned CVE for a couple of years and while I am above water, CVE has gone sideways for quite a while now. I also own CPG and PKI I this space. I am thinking of selling CVE and splitting the proceeds between PKI and CPG. Overall I have 28 stocks in my portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on January 09, 2014
Q: Do you have any update on the IBI group? The last word on them was not good. I own some IBG.DB.B and am severely under water. In trying to clean up dogs before year end I noticed the underlying stock had started to rally and since, if they did not default at the end of December, I was earning 30%+ on the existing value, I decided to wait to see if they defaulted. They did not, the interest arrived in my account and it has been rising every day (up 19% today). Is this rise just because they did not default or are things a bit better at IBI. When do they next declare?
Read Answer Asked by Don on January 09, 2014
Q: Looking to take advantage of the improving US economy by adding to my Industrials which includes a 5% position in CNR (Canadian National Railway) and a 2.5% position in MG (Magna, if its considered an industrial). Would you add a .05% position to my CNR or a new 2% position in CP (Canadian Pacific) or a new 2% to 2.5% position in ALC (Algoma)?

CNR is cheaper than CP but I already have a full position in CNR. Algoma is cheaper than both CNR and CP but no one covers ALC so its difficult to forecast future earnings for comparison purposes.

Your insights and opinions are always appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by john on January 09, 2014
Q: Sorry I know you have answered this before. What is the maximum weighting in a portfolio for Oil & Gas producers with which you are comfortable?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on January 09, 2014
Q: Have just renewed. Thank you for such sound advice. I have been financially " guiding" my employed 38 year old daughter for some time. She has $20,000 to place in a non registered account and about$15,000 cash in her TFSA . I have been keeping notes from your Q & A, your portfolio and other research. In her non registered, she has XDV;XIU and a dividend mutual fund. Feel free to suggest weightings , long term horizon, which of the following would you suggest for non registered and TFSA (Or as you like, make any substitutions):
Thanks for your input.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 09, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Gang, Happy New Year !! Could you please update (last update 13/11/13)your opinion of Easyhome (EH)? Thanks !! Dave
Read Answer Asked by David on January 09, 2014