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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Why such weakness in gold stocks today (g, ar )? I am thinking of adding to positions!!
Read Answer Asked by Jeremy on March 26, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Team,
Just wondering if you could comment on the recent decline in Bank of Internet (BOFI) stock. I am currently slightly below my break even point. It is close to a RSI of 30. Would this be a good time to sell or buy?
Read Answer Asked by Brian on March 26, 2014
Q: Breaking news - BMO is now offering five-year fixed mortgages at 2.99 per cent, slashing its rate from 3.49 per cent.
Exit comment/question - "Say what?!"
Read Answer Asked by Tom on March 26, 2014
Q: HLF is down almost 10% the last five days. Any news you might have to account for is it or just some fund exiting a position?
Read Answer Asked by John on March 26, 2014
Q: GLN Glentel came out with earnings. Market seems positive. Is it worth holding in here?

Read Answer Asked by Gerald on March 26, 2014
Q: Hi Peter.
As a new member I'm curious to know more about the trading parameters of the 5i model portfolio. Will the portfolio ever go short? (Inverse ETF's)? How often will stocks get cut and new ones added? Will the portfolio ever go to a certain level of cash or does it always stay 100% invested. A brief description of what too expect would be helpful.
Thanks Nicholas
Read Answer Asked by nicholas on March 26, 2014
Q: Sherritt
Today I am hearing that Cuba is going to change the laws to allow wholly owned companies to invest in Cuba.
Also they are going to gurantee that assetts will not be confiscated.
If this happens willit not be HUGE for Sherritt?
Read Answer Asked by Warren on March 26, 2014
Q: On Torstar. Last night on BNN, Patrick Horan made Torstar a top pick. I have always considered the stock an avoid as it is in a dying industry--along the lines of your last answer on this in November.Agilith Capital has an extraordinary record so I was surprised. Has something changed, am I missing something or is this just the disagreement which makes markets?
Read Answer Asked by Bryon on March 26, 2014
Q: Thank you Peter, for your response concerning my TFSA portfolio. In keeping with my goal of creating growth, I have come up with the following ETFs and would ask your opinion on their value. If you differ with any of them could I ask you to recommend a substitute. I find it a challenge, with the resources available to me,to pin down ``dividend growth`` ETFs. I have selected the following based on their asset size, MER, and sector diversification. They are as follows:
CDZ, XRE, ZPR, XTR and CHB. They would make up the entire portfolio. Thanks for all you do for us.
Read Answer Asked by Rick on March 26, 2014
Q: Hello Peter....Sector classification question for 2 companies. Is it better to classify Black Diamond as Consumer Discretionary than Energy? And for AutoCanada can it be considered as Retail rather than classified as Consumer Discretionary?...Thanks...Tom M
Read Answer Asked by Tom on March 26, 2014
Q: Hi Peter:
I am retired with a modest pension, and a huge believer in asset allocation focused on Cdn dividend income. I have recently trimmed several positions to raise a bit of cash (now at 7%) to take advantage of a possible summer pullback. In equities I own AD, AQN, ALA, BCE, BNS, BTE, BA, CFN, CGX, CSU, CPG, III, PBH, TCN, WEQ, as well as 2 dividend funds and 1 REIT fund.

Do you see any red flags? Caution flags for me are CFN and WEQ. Once purchased, I normally like to give the stock "time to perform".

Thanks for your help,
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on March 26, 2014
Q: I'm interested in investing in stocks that are in the business of cloud computing for my tech sector allocation. I'm aware of the big names like Apple, Amazon, Google and now Microsoft but don't feel comfortable picking one or two. Do you have any ETF (or other) recommendations in this sector? Thanks again for all your guidance :)
Read Answer Asked by john on March 26, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

What are your thoughts on WesBanco, WSBC?
Read Answer Asked by Graham on March 26, 2014
Q: I, perhaps foolishly, assumed that Vanguard Canada ETFs sold on the TSX in Canadian dollars would be Canadian income.... Are all the Vanguard Canada products US income, including VDY? Therefore is it ineffective to hold them in a TFSA?
Read Answer Asked by Marilyn on March 26, 2014
Q: Good morning Peter and team,
Question is on Alarmforce (AF). Announced a special dividend this morning. Would you be buying on this news since the share price is pretty much flat since the announcement? And has the Matlin affair been resolved? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Alain on March 26, 2014